We’re Better Together


Ecc 4:9-12Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.  For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?  And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Psalms 133:1 “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”

Hebrews 10:25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

I would dare say these are scriptures we are very familiar with. However, the greater question is do we practice them?

Better TogetherThis year the Lord has impressed upon our fellowship to “Continue and Uphold the Legacy of True Holiness.” One of the many valuable assets our fore parents left us was going to church. As a child it seemed as though I was always in church. Tuesday night service, Wednesday night service, Friday noon day prayer and night service, Saturday Sunshine Band meeting and all day Sunday! My former pastor had a saying, “…church, church and more church.” Having served as a pastor for 15 years, I can identify with the saints of old – they were right.

Here at Holiness Tabernacle, we have a reputation of not only having an active church (in the community and other ecclesiastical duties), but we have worship service often. It is not uncommon to have services and activities here at the church for consecutive days over a two or three week period.  In fact, we’ve learned we are one of few churches in the area that have two services during the week and a Sunday evening worship opportunity.

I recall sometime last year we had a few people who would worship with us on Sunday evenings from a neighboring church (with their pastor’s permission). They told me their church stopped having Sunday evening services because of a lack of attendance! Some of you may not remember, but back in the early days of the Church Of God In Christ, the “Sunday Night Evangelistic Service” was often better attended than the Sunday morning because visitors from different reformations came just to observe us having church. Many of them ended up being converted as the power of the Holy Ghost drew them in!

Why are we so easily deceived? The Scriptures so readily tell us, “…we are laborers together…; “…if any two of you shall touch and agree…; “…one shall put a thousand to a flight, two, ten thousand….” Did not Jesus send the disciples out in groups of two? Aren’t we told out of the mouths of two witnesses let every word be established?  It is clear that we are better together. But the enemy has done a masterful job in dividing us.

Adam and Eve enjoyed bliss in the Garden until they sinned, allowing the devil to plant seeds of discord between them. When the Lord questioned them, they turned on one another. What is it about us that we are so quick to isolate ourselves when we have issues? What makes us think that we can solve our problems on our own? The saints of old understood when they fellowshipped together more frequently, they had a tighter bond, they trusted one another, they could depend on one another, they prayed for one another, they looked out for one another and they protected one another. Unfortunately, today we only see one another once or twice a week at best. Other than that, we are really isolated and more dependent on ungodly resources (it’s amazing how many church people who have best friends who are not saved).

By now we should be acquainted with the ways and devices of the enemy. He is the one who sponsors cliques in the churc;, he is the one who turns one against another; he is the one who prompts us to sow seeds of discord amongst the brethren; he is the one who tells us no one understands our problems and we have to handle them on our own; he is the one who tells us we attend church too much and we need to spend more time with our families; he is the one who tells us that we should not force our children to go to church, but rather we should let them choose on their own. He is a liar and the father of all lies.

Whenever I see the Lord working, He unites people. In fact, I believe the Lord has made us so that we are dependent on one another and Him. Moses needed someone to uphold his arms; the man stricken with palsy needed his friends to bring him to Jesus; even Jesus had someone assigned to help Him carry His cross. Did not the Lord declare it was not good for man to be alone?

Today some have made billions of dollars in the social network industry by merely connecting people. That’s what the church should do – unite people! However, because we have become accustomed to only attending church once a week for a couple of hours, the rest of our time we are connected to something or someone else and we are suffering from it.

My friends, I want to encourage you – let’s work on destroying those hindrances and obstacles that separate us. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit brought the people together. Ask yourself, what am I doing to unite my church? What am I doing to strengthen the body of Christ? What can I do to advance the cause of Christ? Why not ask your pastor if you can host a prayer meeting at the church? Why not ask your pastor if you can start bible study on a week night – at the church. I am sure he won’t object.

At the end of the day, if we’re honest we’ll admit, two is better than one. We’ll admit, there is power in numbers. We’ll admit, we’re better together!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!