What I’m Looking Forward To in 2013 – March 2K13 Youthful Expression

As the New Year starts to unravel, my goals for this year are beginning to arise. In most of my school classes, I am asked one question. What is my goal for the New Year? In each class, it is a different answer. I'm Looking Forward To 2013But I have yet to think about the overall answer that will fill up my academic, athletic and personal goals. I have individual goals that vary from each category but thinking about it overall, I need to set a goal that I can have carry me all the way throughout 2013.

My academic goal is to eventually get all A’s for at least one quarter. I have struggled with getting one or two B’s which then throw me off completely. My athletic goals are to push myself harder than I usually go. I would like to go the extra mile and exceed expectations just one step higher, i.e. varsity volleyball. Personal/spiritual goals are the type of goals that I believe shape all the other goals to actually happen. I have a personal goal of focusing and prioritizing more and a spiritual goal of drawing closer to God. If I achieve those goals, then my goal of getting all A’s and making varsity volleyball would most likely happen. That’s how they are all connected.  If you keep up with your personal and spiritual goals then all your other goals will fall into place.

-Tamika Alexander