Whereby We Cry, Abba, Father – March 2K13 WTLB

By Sis. DeLardge

Jesus cried Abba, Father when he bore the sins of us all, past, present and future at the time of his crucifixion, according to Mark 14:36. 

Abba FatherWe are to cry Abba, Father when we pray, for that is our salutation to our heavenly Father who is the God of the universe, the true and living God. 

There are times in our lives when we have to go a step further than traditional prayers.  I am talking about “Soul Prayers” that come from deep in our spirit man, from the bowels of our souls, crying Abba, Father. Our prayers should move mountains of guilt, fears and doubts. Also, our prayers should bring about healing and deliverance through the name of Jesus.  Let us break down the walls of contemplation and cry unto our God with whole heartedness, let’s make our requests known unto God in Jesus’ name. 

Yes, God hears us and will fulfill our desires. Lift up your voice with the call of oh hear our voices and attend unto our prayers, for we are your children and you are our heavenly Father. It’s through Jesus Christ, God’s Son, which we, the believers, are given the privilege to call upon the Lord when we call, “Abba, Father.” According to Romans 8:14-16, we are led by the Spirit of God and that makes us sons of God, receiving the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, “Abba, Father.”

Mark 14:35-36a says, “And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed…and he [Jesus] said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee.”   Just as Jesus called upon the Father during his walk on Earth, we, too, ought to call upon our heavenly Father. As believers, we should think it not strange to do things like Jesus did.  His actions should become our actions. It should be our soul desire/duty to pray calling on Abba, Father, through the name of Jesus for anything. So let us remember the command of the Master and encourage one another to pray, cry aloud and spare not for the Father hears and sees all. Amen.