1st Lady’s Blog: Church Decorum Series: Presiding

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Church Decorum Series: Presiding Or Officiating A Service

Lesson Four: Presiding Or Officiating A Service
Lesson Three: Prayer | Lesson Two: Learn To Be A Student | Lesson One: Be Observant

Let’s say you visit a church, find that you really like it, and are extended the right hand of fellowship. You meet with the Pastor and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the church. But then you start asking yourself, “What rules am I supposed to keep?”

Have you ever found yourself in this predicament?

When I went to the first Church Of God In Christ International Holy Convocation held in St. Louis, I was impressed, but a little disheartened, by a book that our Presiding Bishop and Mother Blake wrote about how the saints should deport themselves. While the information was very useful, I was surprised that we needed to be told some very basic things.

Then I remembered when I first came to the holiness church. Can you believe I did not even own a dress! I did not know what to say or what to do. I felt so inadequate those first few times I visited.

For those of us who have been in the church for a long time, we tend to assume that everyone knows the basics of church decorum. But over time, I’ve come to realize that there are just some things we won’t know – unless we are taught.

Well have no fear, this year I am here to help! It’s 2013, a brand new year, and I will be focusing on church decorum – those things we wished someone told us so we wouldn’t have felt out in left field while everyone else was in right. I’ll be covering lots of topics, including presiding, speaking and teaching; praying for different occasions; dressing modestly; altar work and laying on of hands and more. I’ll also be taking topics from you! Simply email your suggestion to Blog@holinesstabernaclecogic.org and you just may find your idea as the focus of one of my monthly blog posts.



Something that really gets under my skin is a Presider that preaches a message after every portion on the program. When I see this happening I always think to myself, “we already have a preacher for the service, please wait your turn!”

The dictionary defines preside as exercising guidance, direction or control. While some presiders are able to execute this task efficiently, some lack direction and especially control.

Here are some tips to preside more effectively:

  1. Arrive early and read through the program before the service begins. The presider should never start out by asking the congregation to excuse their lateness – you are to arrive BEFORE the service begins. And reading the program early will help you read with more fluidity. You should also make contact with all the persons on the program and chose replacements if necessary before service begins. I have been in too many services where the presider calls for someone who is supposed to be on the program, but isn’t there. It is nerve wracking to watch the presider continue to ask if the person is in the building and it drags the service.
  2. Keep your eye on the Pastor for special changes or directions. Before the service, ask the Pastor what time he would like the speaker on the floor and stay mindful of the time. Have participants stay near the podium to avoid dead time – you don’t want the congregation waiting for the person to stroll to the microphone. Whenever I see this, I usually begin to hum the jeopardy tune in my head while I wait.
  3. Stick to the program as much as possible. Unless the Lord or the Pastor directs you, do not deviate from the program. People expect you to follow the program. Why hand them out if you don’t follow them? If you must deviate, know how to get back on track.
  4. Keep your ear open for direction from the Lord. The Lord may lead you to exhort the people, but remember to come back to the program.
  5. Dress appropriately. For the women this means wearing longer skirt or lap pads. For the gentlemen, make sure your clothes fit loosely.
  6. Use the microphone. It is very irritating when you can’t hear what someone is saying. People tend to tune out and have side bar conversations when they can’t hear. The microphone is an aid. Don’t be afraid of it – please use it.
  7. Don’t get up after every portion of the program. It is not your job to preach a mini-sermon after every part of the program. Don’t feel pressured to comment on each thing. You are there to ensure that the service runs smoothly. In fact, you should announce two or three things at a time to avoid getting up after each person.
  8. Support the participants. If a participant gets nervous and forgets something, you can announce it for them when you get back up.
  9. Never leave the podium empty. The congregation should not stare at an empty podium. Wait until the person arrives to the microphone before leaving the podium.

The next time you preside keep these tips in mind and govern yourselves accordingly so we will all have a more pleasant experience at our next church service. Happy presiding!


  1. Angela Thompson

    My first time presiding. These tips are very helpful. Do I begin with a prayer and then introduce the first person on the program?

    Thank You!

  2. Lodia crosby

    Thank you for such excellent information on presiding a service. I am also Cogic.

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