
Luke 9:57-62

Committed:  to be bound to or obligated toward

Greetings to the most special and extraordinary people in the world–the people of God! As you are aware, our theme this year is “Continuing and Upholding the Legacy of True Holiness.” The other week the Lord placed this thought on my heart: people today struggle with commitment.

My parents were married for more than 60 years. I never witnessed my father lifting his hand against my mother. When times were tough financially, he did not walk away; he got another job. I saw my mother labor alongside of my father in the home, at church and anything else he decided to do. As her health declined, I saw my father become her primary care provider – he cooked for her, cleaned the house and he even limited his travel and ministry outside of the home because my mother required 24-hour care. They were truly committed to one another. Unfortunately, today’s generation has left this legacy.

Are you aware that fewer than 50 percent of our African American males will graduate from high school? And an even smaller percentage will finish college or obtain an advanced degree. Have you noticed people are now more likely to declare bankruptcy than live within their means? There was a time when people worked at the same job for 30 to 40 years and retired with a pension. Today we find employees are less likely to stay with the same company for more than five years. Employers, as well, are more concerned with increasing the profit margin (often eliminating experienced workers who demand higher wages) and prefer a younger workforce.

It is so sad to see the divorce rate in the church equal that of the world. At one time, couples took their marriage vows seriously: “…for richer or for poorer, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health…” But now we divorce and remarry as if we are playing a dating game.

There was a time when people committed to a church and ministry. Today we have become so undisciplined and weak-minded, we bounce and hop from church to church, but declare we are filled with His Holy Spirit. Every week I see people come to church and fill up the pews. As the power of God is poured out, I see tears rolling and I see them rejoicing. Yet when I open the doors of the church and make an invitation for membership, they stay glued to their seats.  It is as if they want the benefits of membership, without committing to the church.

There are several examples in the Bible of people who did not want to commit to God: Lot’s wife looked back (Gen. 19:26); Peter denied Jesus (Matt 26:69-74); and many disciples left Him (John 6:66 and Matt 8:18). We even read about the great falling away (II Thes 2:1-3).

If you’ll note in the scripture text (Luke 9:57-62), Jesus makes the call for discipleship. Immediately He began to receive excuses: 

  1. I have to go bury my father. This individual was attached to dead things, much as we are today. We know certain friends and loved ones do us no good, but we stay attached to them. We know that habit or lifestyle is killing us, but we stay attached to it.
  2. I need to go and bid farewell to people that are at my house. This individual not only wanted to leave Jesus, but expected Jesus to wait until he returned. He wanted the Savior to take a second seat to what he wanted. God forbid! The work of the Lord requires haste. God will never take second place to anything. 

Why is it that God can commit to us, but we are hesitant to commit to Him? Why is it that God will be faithful to us, but we are not faithful to Him?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, I implore you today to rebuke the spirit of giving up and quitting on God. Let me encourage you to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Let me encourage you to forsake all and commit to Him. His rewards are immeasurable. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of man the good things He has in store for us. If we stay committed!

I leave you with a song my mother used to sing: Put your time in, payday is coming after while!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!

One Comment

  1. barbara grant

    Do you help people receive the holy ghost

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