At Home At Holiness Tabernacle – May 2K13 Youthful Expression

By Keionna Jones 

"When you move to Virginia, the first thing I want you to do is to find a good church home that teaches what I teach, true holiness". 

athomeThese were the instructions from my previous pastor before my family moved to this area.  Upon relocating, I admit at first I did not obey his instructions.  Soon I found myself in situations that were unnecessary and avoidable. One day I felt myself getting depressed and I began to pray, but I still felt lonely. I knew that day that I needed to get back on track with God. My family and I began searching for a church home.  We visited several churches, but I still would feel empty at the end of each service. I knew I shouldn't feel that way so some days I wouldn't go to church. On other occasions my mother visited a church, but I didn't feel right in my spirit.

One Sunday morning my mother got tired of me missing church and she refused to let me stay at home. I asked her if we could find a smaller church where I could feel more at home. She remembered a church she saw while house hunting and said we could visit that one. When we arrived at Holiness Tabernacle we could hear the worship from outside. I was nervous and excited at the same time to hear what the pastor was preaching. When we went inside, I felt the Spirit right away.  

At the end of the service, I was so happy to find a church that touched my spirit, I couldn't wait to return the following Sunday. I've been going to Holiness Tabernacle for almost a year now and I love everything about my church.  I love the family feeling; you feel right at home as soon as you walk through the door. While I was looking for a church like the one I attended, I found one better.