We Are Not Alone – Great Northern District Meeting 2013

For the week of May 13-17th Holiness Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ rallied in Manassas, Virginia to celebrate the 46th Annual Great Northern District Meeting, held at “Yeshua” Church Of God In Christ. As is the church custom, the second night of the meeting celebrates the district Assistant Superintendant, Holiness Tabernacle’s own Pastor Eddie B. Pruitte, Jr. So in due form, Pastor Pruitte came ready to present God’s Word before a listening audience.

Pastor Pruitte preached a familiar message: “We’re Better Together.” It’s a message that has stirred within him for quite some time. It’s a message that all Christians, and even our government, have yet to learn. He began in Ecc. 4:9-12:

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Pastor Pruitte explained the importance of believers spending time amongst each other and getting past trivial differences. He continued by telling the audience that even Christ believed in working cooperatively, having sent the disciples out in pairs. Pastor Pruitte further emphasized Jesus’ own personal experience of needing a helping hand. “Even Christ had Simon of Cyrene carry His cross!” he reminded the church.

Following Pastor Pruitte’s message of mutual cooperation amongst believers, on Wednesday night, Bishop Ted Thomas, Sr. preached the message of divine power within believers. Bishop Thomas pleaded with the congregation to receive and accept the promises of God, most importantly, the promise of the Holy Spirit. Coming from Acts 1, Bishop Thomas expounded upon verses 5 and 8, where Jesus declares that His disciples will receive a new baptism in the Holy Spirit and receive power.

“The Holy Ghost is a gift. You receive Him. Come expectantly,” Bishop Thomas urged. He also reminded the audience that God reveals Himself through His written Word. “Some people say God doesn’t talk to them,” Bishop Thomas continued, “but it says ‘In the beginning was the Word.’ The Bible IS God talking.”

In both of these sermons there is a consistent thread: we are not alone. We have God the Father, through the atoning sacrifice of God the Son, here with us. And in His foresight and wisdom, He has given us a new family to run this race alongside us. All the while, He sanctifies us through the presence of God the Spirit who lives within and seals without.

We are better together!