Get A Piece of the Rock – June 2K13 WTLB

By Mother D. Cassidy

Piece of the RockMany government agencies have been faced with budget sequestrations and with furloughs.   Most of the office talk is about the sequestration and what is going to happen. As Christians, we must continue to trust in the Rock.  The Bible clearly states in Psalms 37:25, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

Since the sequestration, one wouldn’t be amazed about the frustration this has caused for many government employees; opportunely, this was my chance to testify to my co-workers. I told them that I believe in the Rock. I then asked them, “Do you own a piece of the Rock?” This is a great slogan used by Prudential Insurance Company and also by many Christians in the world today.  There may be failure in Prudential Insurance’s rock, but there is no failure in Jesus. Prudential Insurance Company can’t offer me rest, peace, salvation or joy to my soul, but Jesus can.

Prudential Insurance Company has a powerful and unique slogan. This is an amazing advertisement tool. A great slogan can be useful in encouraging people to use a product.

Prudential has provided insurance and financial services throughout the United States and in over 30 other countries. Perhaps, you could invest in this company and get a positive return. Yet some customers may lose their investment in today’s economy. Do you believe there is actually peace in owning a piece of Prudential’s rock? Naturally, some people may believe that their investment will be everlasting. The Dow Jones is dropping tremendously, mutual funds are losing value, and housing prices are dropping in value. The stock market is very unstable and the U.S. debt ceiling has impacted the market. I won’t put faith or trust in this type of investment. From a spiritual point of view, I don’t believe putting my trust in Prudential will be a great investment.

Christians can also use the slogan, “GET A PIECE OF THE ROCK” as a great witnessing tool. Let the world know that JESUS is a Rock in a weary land and He is a shelter in the time of sorrow. I will invest my time in JESUS; surely, this investment will not go down in value. The Bible states in Psalms 62:1-2, “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” I believe in the Rock of my salvation and trust in Him. When the storm clouds are raging in my life, only Jesus can give me peace in the midst of trouble. Jesus will not only give my soul rest, but He will give me unspeakable joy! He keeps making a way for me and bringing me out without a doubt. “JESUS IS MY ROCK!” 

This I believe: compared to investing my trust in Jesus, Prudential ranks very low. The stock market may crash and you may lose your life savings. That’s why I decided to invest in the true Rock and that Rock is Jesus. This Rock is a sure foundation and an everlasting return that offers eternal life. Therefore, my hope is not in mutual funds or investments; my hope is built on Jesus Christ the solid Rock. “All other grounds are sinking sand.”