The 5th Quarter

After the game ends what are your plans?  Where do you go?  Are you in a safe environment?  Are you able to be you?  Are you around believers?

The 5th QuarterThe 5th Quarter is a place where teens and young adults can be free to worship God without worry!  Our mission is to:

  • Break the chains that stop our young people from opening up completely to God;
  • Build better and stronger relationships with our Lord and Savior;
  • Enable our young people to use their God-given talents in ministry;
  • Equip our young people to be better soul winners;
  • Provide a safe atmosphere where young people can enjoy God and enjoy the fellowship of like-minded believers.

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

Join us as we endeavor to take our worship and ministry to the next level and break the chains that formerly had us bound!  We declare our . . .