Stand Your Ground – August 2K13 WTLB

by Sis. Lynette Cook

Titus 1-2

If there has ever been a time when men and women of God should stand their ground, it’s now.  Take your places and stand for God so that you will not fall for anything.  God is calling for a generation such as this, for in these days God said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.”

standingWe need to cry aloud and spare not (Isaiah 58:1) for these are indeed the last days and the enemy is pulling out all tricks and trying his best to pull the weak. He even gets bold enough to try to pull the strong.  Saints, lets pull together – stop tearing down one another and stop judging one another.  Be proactive and let’s be helpers of one another.  Help that man you see dealing with something, don’t frown in disgust.  Help that woman who’s dressed provocatively, don’t frown in disgust.  Your job is to draw men and women to Christ. God loves us in our mess, so why would you not think He can love that sinner in their mess?  Let’s start drawing and not judging.

I heard a story about a guest speaker who came to a convention one year.  He sat in the audience dressed in “street” attire.  He received stares; he received judgment from some in the audience but did not say a word.  When the preacher was introduced and he began to enter the pulpit, the people were amused. Some knew they had judged the man and felt condemned.  Let that not be us. Instead, let us love all and pray for all. Take your place and stand your ground.