Pick Up Next Left – August 2K13 WOTM

When I first joined the church, I saw men at work which caused me to change my plans to be a part of what I saw as good. As the years went on, I started to notice the faults and imperfections of so many people around me. I adapted bad habits and found myself not being a part of the group, and lived according to how I saw things and could not relate it to anyone because my of actions. I did not understand the state that I was in, but I am learning from it. I realize that it will be difficult at times and I may fall but it wasn’t about me; it was about how much God loves us all. I gave my relationship with God another chance a few days ago and truly felt how much He really loves everyone and hates sin. He gave me a way out of a difficult challenge that was too hard for me; and He saved more than just me in the process.

Recently, a man came to me; he was going to commit suicide. In my mind I thought Lord why me? I had no idea who he was but I believed what he told me and he believed that I could help him. I prayed for him all the while thinking, “Who am I to do this, the van driver”, knowing the way I felt about things? I knew there were things I needed to ask for forgiveness because I wasn’t sure if God had forgiven me. So together this man and I praised the Lord and invited the Holy Spirit in to assist him. I did all I could because this man’s life was in God’s plans for me to meet him in that very moment. God restored me once again as well.

This world is a wild place but there’s no time like the present to come back to God. I did not want people to see me as I saw some of the body of Christ. I am reminded again that it is not about me, it is about you. It is not what I like, it is what God likes for us to come around and see He can make a way out of no way. Many say that the man’s cry for help was just a scam to get my money; if so it was the best one I have ever seen. I gave him money for his rent and the guy was happy and very thankful for me being in that place. I am so glad I was able to help, but I want to be better prepared next time as well.  I do not want people to look at me and label me as a Christian that is okay with sin. I know that is not true for everyone. I thought that way before, and I do not want to be a part of the ones that are seen that way.

When or how to change is harder than not following what we see. I know now, it is not about me it is about you. It is doing what God said to do to help someone else. He loves us more then we love ourselves. Are we doing that? Do we look at each other with the same respect as we deserve as children of God and expect the best from one another?  Or do we look to tear each other down? Are we prayed up and ready to be on standby? There is one thing I did learn from this experience and that is there is always someone watching. 

I did not know, now I do.  Hey Driver, pick up next left!

Brother Abney