My Favorite Thing – October 2K13 Youthful Expression

By Victor Merriweather

My Favorite ThingMy favorite thing at church is the music department. The reason I like the music department is because everyone there is nice. I’m the saxophone player in the band. The other people that are in the band are Jay, Eryck, John, Arianté, Deloris, Elijah and Sister Delia Pruitte. Jay plays bass, John plays drums, Sister Delia plays piano, Deloris plays drums, Eryck plays keyboard, Arianté plays congos and Elijah plays drums too.

Another part of the music department is the choir. At rehearsals we have fun, talk and practice. But when it’s the real deal we get serious. Then we have the praise team. The people in the praise team are Sister Yolinda McCown, Minister André Powell, Sister Danielle Powell, Sister DeAnna Pruitte, Sister Valerie Miller, Deacon Jeffrey Howard and Brother Napolean Paxton.

I think it’s really fun being in the band and I think anyone who comes to Holiness Tabernacle will enjoy our music.

One Comment

  1. Valerie Miller

    That’s my Victor. Good job. Love you!

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