Holiness Tabernacle Consecration Recap

Holiness Tabernacle Consecration and Shut-In Energizes Saints for Kingdom Work!

God’s powerful Spirit filled the sanctuary as the members of Holiness Tabernacle tarried before the Lord during the 2014 Annual Consecration. During this time of corporate fasting, the saints turned down their plates and sought God for His anointing to carry them throughout 2014.

“It is very important as we begin the New Year to throw out those old things,” said Pastor Eddie B Pruitte, Jr. of the reason he calls for the three week consecration at the start of each New Year.

“It’s an awesome time when we really seek the more of God!” he continued with obvious excitement.

Beginning January 5 and ending January 26, believers not only fasted and prayed, but came to church for additional mid-week services. Inspirational messages brought by elders, ministers, mothers and missionaries all touched on a consistent theme: reminding the saints to get to work in the kingdom and stay humbly submitted before the Lord. During the services, God used these leaders in unusual ways to pray the saints through, share words of prophesy and encouragement, and exalt the name of the Lord most high!

The true highlight arrived during the final weekend of the consecration – with Holiness Tabernacle’s first Prayer and Shut-In service. Though not originally included with the Consecration, the Lord impressed upon Pastor Pruitte the need for the church to press through and really pull on God. Anticipation was high as many had never participated in a shut-in service before. Despite their inexperience however, the people responded strongly to the call put forth by their pastor and willingly sacrificed the comforts of sleep and food to reach a deeper level in Christ.

On Friday, January 24, immediately after the scheduled evening service, men, women and children got on their knees and spent the next nine hours in prayer and petition before the Lord. Having eaten nothing all day, their bodies were tired and weak, but their spirits were being continuously refreshed by the Holy Ghost.

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It was an awesome experience as leaders and lay members alike went forth in prayer, fervently seeking God’s provision and care over their lives. Mini-praise breaks scattered over the course of the shut-in offered a chance to shake tired bodies and dance before the Lord in worship. Indeed, people were healed, delivered and set free during those hours.

The Consecration officially ended on Sunday morning, January 26. At this point,  the members had become sensitive to God’s presence and the atmosphere was charged with His Spirit. After speaking on the topic, “God is Still Great,” Pastor Pruitte opened the altar for prayer, where many members and visitors stepped forward to re-invigorate their faith and seek deliverance from oppressive spirits that had them bound.  

There can be no doubt – the 2014 Annual Consecration was a powerful time! And while the services may have concluded, the spirit of consecration continues to hover over Holiness Tabernacle and is sure to remain evident in the lives of all who participated.