1st Lady’s Blog: Zipporah: Married to the Ministry


Women In The Bible Series: Zipporah: Married to the Ministry

Lesson Three: Zipporah: Married to the Ministry
Lesson Two: Tamar: Overcoming Your Past | Lesson One: Leah: The Unloved

Hello ladies, and welcome to my blog! This year I am going to write a series called Women of the Bible, where I will explore the lives of some of the Bible’s most notable female characters. I believe every woman’s story can be found in God’s Word – and those stories can bring hope and encouragement. I will touch on some serious topics such as rape, suicide and jealousy, along with some lighter ones such as love, righteousness and more. Together, we can discover what the Lord is speaking to His beautiful bride.

Before we begin, I also want to thank you for joining me throughout last year’s series on Church Decorum. If you like what you read, send me comments and let me know – it encourages me to keep writing!

Taking this journey together,

First Lady Vivian Pruitte


Exodus 2

“Honey, I didn’t realize you were still here, I thought you had gone home.”

How often have I heard those words? She thinks to herself. Forgotten again.

As usual she sits patiently, waiting for her husband to finish with the matters of the church, even after exhausting himself giving people what “thus sayeth the Lord.” Day after day, their matters must be resolved. Don’t they realize that she also wants to be alone with him sometimes? His attentions are divided between her and the needs of the ministry; these needs that consume her husband’s thoughts and rob him of sleep. She’s the one who has to rebuild his confidence when it is almost completely wiped out by the great weight he carries upon his shoulders. When she finally gets him alone, it is to rub his head and let him know that she is his greatest supporter. As she kisses him gently on the head, she chuckles within herself thinking, this is the cost of being married to the ministry.


Zipporah was the wife of Moses, one of God’s greatest ministers. Moses was responsible for an immensely large congregation. Such a large mixture of people came with a multitude of problems. And because their problems needed resolution, the people wore Moses out day and night bringing their issues to him. Moses sat all day and listened to and judged their matters. By the time he got home to his wife, he had to have been worn out. It makes me wonder how much quality time Zipporah and Moses spent alone as a couple.

Being married to the ministry is something the Lord has to prepare you to do. Unless you’re vested in the ministry yourself, you will have a difficult time being the “understanding and patient” wife. This is why the Bible tells us not to be “unequally yoked.” You must understand that it was God who called your husband into the ministry – you cannot be a hindrance to him. Do all you can to make his life easier and try not to make unreasonable demands of him to force him to choose between you and the work of the Lord.

Being married to the ministry can sometimes make you feel neglected by your husband because the church makes so many demands of his time. I’m sure Zipporah would have been able to sympathize with this. But keep in mind that you are his bride and the church is Jesus’ bride. Jesus is ultimately responsible for the church and will do what is necessary to take care of it. You are your husband’s wife and he is there to take care of and provide for you. You are the one he will come home to at night.  So strategically plan to spend time alone together to reconnect. During those times, try not to allow “church talk” monopolize the conversation and instead talk about each other and build your relationship.

Zipporah endured some hardships. She was talked about and had to listen to others speak against her husband, who did all he could to help the people. Being married to the ministry was not an easy task for her, and it may not be for you. But having a relationship with the Lord and a good relationship with your husband will make this vocation easier and enjoyable.


  1. sareatha majors


  2. Danielle Powell

    Great encouragement for all those who are married to men who are in the ministry, single but desire to marry someone who is actively engaged in ministry work, or involved in ministry themselves. We must not hinder our spouses as they carry out their kingdom work, but instead trust God to build our marriages and seek creative ways to make good use of our time together!

  3. Delia Pruitte

    This one really, really made me think. I certainly appreciate my first lady/mother, who has always been a shining example of what a Godly wife, mother, and ministry worker should be. It’s not a enviable job; but the labor and the love are not unnoticed, and definitely not in vain.

    We appreciate you Mother Pruitte!

  4. Quawn Brooks

    I think this was a wonderful article !!!LISTEN UP LADIES;) no but we must know how to support a man and build positive realtionshipd and homes !!!# lovr

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