No Vision, No Hope . . . Look To Jesus – March 2K14 WOTM

by Elder Eugene C. McCown, Jr.

Judges 21:25 – In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

Even though the book of Judges, written by the Prophet Samuel, was written thousands of years ago, it amazingly speaks volumes about the state of people today.   We are living in a generation that is blind . . . blind to holiness, blind to righteousness, blind to integrity, and blind to the difference between right and wrong. Our country is perishing.  No Vision, No HopeOur government is perishing.  Our cities are perishing.  Our people are perishing and we’re in a state of moral decay.  Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18).   There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12).

When we lose connection with God and stop following His direction, we begin to do whatever we feel like doing.  How else can we explain preachers marrying same-sex couples using Biblical scriptures and wondering why our churches are in moral decay and are ineffective?  How else can we explain people being happier with sitting on their title instead of working in their calling and wondering why nobody listens to them when they stand before God’s people?  How else can we explain the spirit to complain about being asked to give $35 on Sunday morning but being ok with spending more than that on a meal or an item of clothing and we wonder why we never seem to have enough money and don’t understand why we’re living from paycheck to paycheck?  How else can we explain the disinterested look on people faces when the Spirit is moving in full effect in the church and wondering why they are still bound?  Foolishness is not only in the heart of a child . . . it’s in the heart of grown folks too.  We’re blind!

Blindness is defined as

  1. the inability to see, sightless;
  2. unwilling to understand or unable to perceive;
  3. lacking all consciousness or awareness.

According to the National Institute of Health, the four leading causes of blindness are

  1. cataracts (blurry vision)
  2. glaucoma (damage caused by pressue)
  3. macular degeneration (can’t see clearly)
  4. diabetic retinopathy (damage caused by other sickness)

Some of us suffer from spiritual cataracts and I’m reminded of the Scripture “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man.”  The symptoms: our focus is blurry; can’t see God’s salvation; can’t see how good God has been; guessing about God’s goodness, instead of knowing how good He’s been. 

Some of us suffer from spiritual glaucoma and I’m reminded of the Scripture “In this life ye shall have tribulation.”  The symptoms: Under immense pressure at work and it doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to end; home life in shambles and would prefer to stay out rather than go home; tired of being identified as a goodie-goodie and decide to compromise to fit in.

Some of us suffer from spiritual macular degeneration and I’m reminded of the Scripture “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection.”  The symptoms: saved for a long time and know if all; can't take instruction from anyone; complain about what's wrong, but never provide help to resolve the issue; no time to help anyone else grow.

Some of us suffer from spiritual diabetic retinopathy and I’m reminded of the Scripture “That ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.”  The symptoms: small lies lead to bigger lies; attend rated R movies with profanity and nudity; taking alcoholic sipes to relax after a long day at work; allow downfalls to fester and disconnect from fellowship and God.

So whether your blindness is from cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, or diabetic retinopathy, there is a doctor that has never lost a case and his name is Jesus.  His track record is perfect and there’s nothing too hard for Him.  If you’re in need of a better vision today, look to Jesus.  If you’ve lost your way and cannot find the way out, look to Jesus.  If you’ve been mistreated and abused, look to Jesus.  If sin has you locked in bondage and you don’t know right from wrong, look to Jesus.  He is still the way, the truth and the life.  He is still the Balm in Gilead.  If you have no vision and no hope, look to Jesus because there’s nothing too hard for Him!