A Passion for Christ!


Matthew 22:34-37; Psalms 86:12

More than a decade ago actor-turned-director, Mel Gibson, made quite a stir in Hollywood and the world when he introduced the hit movie, “The Passion of the Christ.” The movie depicts the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus on earth in graphic detail.  From my understanding the movie was a great success – according to Wikipedia, the film has grossed in excess of $370 million in the United States alone. While I have never viewed the film (I can get very queasy), my wife informed me that she cried almost through the entirety of the picture.

As we begin the month of April, there are a few things I am looking forward to. After a seemingly long and never ending winter, I look forward to the sounds and warmth of spring. I anticipate outdoor activities: riding bicycles with my daughter, enjoying walks with my wife, and playing in the yard with my grandchildren. I also look forward to Passion Week (April 13 through April 20), when we remember and celebrate our Savior’s activities that resulted in His victory over death, hell and sin; a sacrifice that resulted in our salvation and Christ paying the ransom for our souls.

Here at Holiness Tabernacle we have a week-long celebration. Starting with Palm Sunday, we commemorate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. That Tuesday evening, we read, study, and discuss the parables He taught during His last week before the cross. On Thursday, known as Maundy or Holy Thursday, we observe feet washing and Holy Communion – two of the ordinances of the Church Of God In Christ. These were events the Lord instituted the night before He was crucified. We return on Friday to worship and discuss the seven last words of Christ from the cross, and we have water baptism. We then come back to church early Sunday morning for Sunrise Service and finish off the week’s activities with our official Resurrection Sunday Service – which includes a powerful time of praise and worship! After reviewing this schedule you might say, “Wow! That’s an awful lot of church.” In fact, when some people see our weekly church schedule, they comment that we have a lot of church services, or what I prefer to call “worship opportunities.”

Over the years I have seen a growing trend in the holiness church. Rather than allotting more time for corporate worship and church related activities, we are spending less time in fellowship. We hide behind the excuse that we need more family time – however our families are threatened now more than ever. Our parents and grandparents kept us in church and we came from strong families. In fact, the holiness church grew at a tremendous rate because other reformation’s members visited our churches on Sunday nights and were drawn in by the power of the Holy Spirit through anointed preaching and powerful praise.

When people hear that Holiness Tabernacle still has operating auxiliaries – including the Sunshine Band, Purity Class, Young People Willing Workers (YPWW), Prayer and Bible Band, Home and Foreign Missions – they are both surprised and impressed. When they ask how we are able to do all of that, my reply is merely that God has sent our church people that have a passion for God and the work of the Lord! The word passion is defined as, “any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling such as love or hate.” It has been my experience that the people of God are devoting less time for the things of God, and this has resulted in less passion for God. The Bible clearly tells us that where our treasure is, our heart will be there also (Matthew 6:21). As the second coming of our Savior draws near, it appears as though the body of Christ allocates extensive time for recreational sports, electronics shopping, social media, movies and television, or other self-centered activities. Doesn’t the Bible warn us of the last days when men would become lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (II Timothy 3:4)?

Friends, I want to encourage you to seek the Lord and return to our first love! Let’s earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3). Bishop Mason, Mother Lizzie Robinson, Apostle Peter and Mary Magdalene are not coming back. It is on us to seek God and ask Him to rekindle our passion for Christ! You don’t have to wait until the third week in April – lift up your eyes and voice right now and ask God to come the more in your life and reignite the passion and fire we once had. I guarantee, He will!

God bless and keep you until we meet again. If you’re looking for a place to worship Resurrection Sunday, or any other Sunday or weeknight service, pay Holiness Tabernacle a visit.  I guarantee you’ll experience a mighty move of God. Even more, your passion for God will be rekindled!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!

Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.
Pastor and Founder, Holiness Tabernacle COGIC


  1. Eugene McCown

    Pastor, I'm doing my best to "contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints." In this day and age, that is strange, but my desire for more of God grows each and every day. My passion is for Him. Thanks for this reminder.

  2. Josie Manrique

    I have been encouraged by your words not only in this article but in your weekly teachings. I am striving to add more of God and less of the world to my life. Thank you for being a true man of God who speaks His word.

  3. sareatha Majors

    You articles are always moving

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