God Will Never Leave You – April 2K14 Youth Expression

By Aderon Jones, age 16

The bus arrived two minutes before class started. I was at the very back of the bus. In an attempt to not be late for class, I rushed to the back end of the school to get into the door closest to my class. God Will Never Leave UsHalfway there I had one more minute to get to homeroom, so my rush changed into a foot race against time. I got to the steps before the door and was head first on the concrete before I even had a chance to comprehend that I slipped on ice that lied on the steps.

I know for a fact that my face was the first of my body to hit the ground. I know for a fact that I should have suffered greater damage than a minor head and lip injury. The risk of major head trauma, literally grinding my face on the cement, and having my teeth knocked into my throat where I could choke was extremely high. Even my nurse said that by the type and location of the scars that I was very lucky.

My mom said otherwise. She told me that it had nothing to do with luck, but the love of God and His mercy softened the fall.