In the April edition of “From the Pastor’s Desk” , Pastor Eddie B Pruitte challenged the saints to reignite their passion for Christ during Holy Week; to make it more than a commercialized holiday, and an occasion to dress up for service. He admonished the church to “remember [its] first love” and most of all, to share in Christ’s passion for us. To encourage this effort, each member was given a booklet of information that outlined the Biblical details of Christ’s last week on earth, along with daily devotional scriptures.
Aspiring Missionary Danielle Powell set the tone for the week the evening of Palm Sunday with a message entitled, “It’s Time to Make a Choice.” She described the three major shifts in Jesus’ ministry: from miracles and healings, to teaching and parables, to admonishings and declarations of His deity. Through each transition, His disciples and followers had to choose whether or not they were willing to continue to follow Him despite the increasing risk. According to Aspiring Missy. Powell, believers today must face the same choice; are we willing to follow Christ all the way to the cross?
Service was held again on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of Passion Week, and each night Holiness Tabernacle reenacted the events leading to Christ’s crucifixion. Tuesday evening saw Minster Andre Powell comparing Jesus to the Jewish temple and the sacrifice, and he pointed out the scriptures that laud Jesus as both the high priest and the lamb. He posited that saints professing holiness must live the spotless and sin-free life that is necessary for a sacrifice, just like Jesus did.
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Maundy Thursday was a special time during Passion Week. Elder Eugene McCown brought an uplifting word and asked the congregants, “Is There Any Room for Jesus?” His message forced the saints to evaluate whether or not they were willing to allow God to get in their business and work a miraculous change in their lives. After the sermon, members participated in feet washing and communion, two of the holy ordinances in the Church Of God In Christ. From the youngest child to the oldest adult, every person in the room participated in the same event that Jesus and His disciples did that night in the Upper Room.
All around the sanctuary, solemn smiles could be seen as each member raised their voice in song, “Not Only My Feet!” This song tells the story of Peter the disciple, who initially refused to allow Jesus to wash His feet. Upon learning that he would be unable to partake in Christ’s kingdom if he did not allow the feet washing, Peter was quickly humbled and cried, “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!” (John 13:9).
The “Seven Last Words of Jesus” were expounded upon by Deacon David Moses, Sister Phoebe Wheeler, Sister Delia Pruitte, Deacon Napoleon Paxton, Sisters Sereatha Majors, Yolinda McCown and Morshe Araujo. Each speaker, in their own unique style, offered a thought-provoking perspective on Jesus’ last few moments of earthly life. Following the presentations, Sisters Zianne Wheeler, Valerie Miller and Quawn Brooks where baptized. Though hearts may have been heavy remembering the intense suffering of the Savior, a deep anticipation throbbed in the hearts of believers around the world who knew the story was not over.
At seven in the morning on Sunday, there was a palpable sense of excitement as the saints stepped out in their finest, ready to celebrate the ultimate victory on the Christian calendar – not Easter, but Resurrection Sunday! Mother Deborah Brown brought the sunrise service message, “He Lives in Me” and reminded the people to celebrate because Christ is alive! Smiles and laughs were exchanged and high praises were shouted out all through the morning service; the battle had been won, and Jesus Christ had risen from the dead just as He said. There was hardly a seat to be spared in the eleven o’clock service as families gathered together to hear the word. Pastor Pruitte preached a rousing sermon entitled, “The Power of the Resurrection.” God the Father resurrected His Son from the dead, and the same power that raised Jesus is available to raise His people from any situation!
It was a Holy Week indeed. At Holiness Tabernacle, it was a week where the passion of Christ was communicated in every service, and felt in every heart.