A Woman of Faith: First Lady Pruitte

On Sunday, June 8th we’re celebrating our 5th Annual First Lady Day Honoring Mother Vivian Valdez Pruitte! Our theme is “A Woman of Faith!” and we’re showering our First Lady with love, prayers, encouraging words and acts of kindness on this special day of jubilee. Join us as we honor a true woman of faith!

  • 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
    Featuring Special Guest: Mother Nellie Mae Townes, State Supervisor, First Jurisdiction of Virginia
  • 4:00 p.m. Evening Worship
    Featuring Special Guest: Mother Diana Banks, State Supervisor, Maryland Central Jurisdiction

We invite you to come with your tokens and expressions of love – we want our First Lady to know how much we truly appreciate her.

If you would like to share a love offering with First Lady Pruitte, please visit our website HERE. For more information on service times, please contact the church at (703) 497-7928.