Don’t Forget About Jesus!


John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Phil 2:10

Recently, I was privileged to share the Word of the Lord with Bishop and Mother Floyd Brown and the saints at the Church of the Blessed Trinity in Centreville, Virginia. The Lord met us and the people of God told me that they were blessed by the Word so I thought I would share it with you.

The Gospel of John records in great detail our Savior’s activities the Thursday evening before He was crucified. Also referred to as Maundy (or Holy) Thursday, John devoted several chapters to record the events that took place in the upper room. Beginning in chapter 13, John records that Jesus (1) washed the disciples’ feet; (2) told them of His impending death; and (3) prophesied that one of them would betray Him and Peter would deny Him. I can’t imagine how this must have shaken up the disciples, but in the next chapter, Jesus seeks to calm them. He begins by telling them to not allow their hearts to be troubled, thereby affirming their faith in God. Jesus then makes a statement that leaves no room for debate or compromise: “…I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh to the father, except by me” (v.6). What a declaration! Next Jesus emphasized the importance of the disciples receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost. When He left the upper room, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane were He would be arrested.

As I reflected on Christ’s statement, other scriptures came to mind: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). I also thought of what Paul wrote, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” (Phil 2:10). It is obvious to me that Christ is the center of salvation and He is absolutely essential to our relationship with the Father. However, I fear that many of us have forgotten this basic foundation. Too often we are so consumed with church work that we leave Christ out of the equation.

Do you remember the account in the scriptures when there was a disagreement between Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)? Martha complained that she was preparing this great meal and Mary was not helping; she wanted Jesus to make Mary assist her. Jesus told Martha that Mary chose the better part. In other words, Jesus was more important than cooking food for guests. Being with Jesus is more important than anything we could ever do on this earth. It has been my experience, however, that we can become so consumed with this committee, that auxiliary, this department or that ministry – we forget about Jesus.

Now, before you use this article as an excuse to sit on the seat at church or not become involved with the Lord’s work, remember that I am a pastor. I am involved and active at every level of the Church: local, district, jurisdictional and national. Therefore, I am quite busy doing “church work.” However, I am committed to prayer, fasting and reading my Bible. I spend time with God, and as the Holy Spirit reveals His will unto me, I obey the Lord’s voice. I seek the Lord and He directs me. Additionally, I do not lean unto my own understanding. I have a godly pastor who speaks life unto me and confirms the Lord’s work in me.

Have you ever read when Jesus’ parents travelled to Jerusalem for the Passover festival? They travelled in large groups during that time and when they had concluded their business in the city, they headed back home. The Bible says that Jesus’ parents assumed Christ (who was twelve years old) was in their company – but He was not. They travelled two days before they realized Jesus was not amongst their company. Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem and found Jesus in the temple entertaining questions from the scribes and learned men. Did you get the message?

Jesus’ parents assumed He was with them. Don’t assume Jesus is in your plans. Mary and Joseph assumed that Jesus was amongst their family and possessions. Don’t assume that Christ is in your family – He might not be. When they realized He was not with them, they returned to Jerusalem. My friends, if you have discovered that Jesus is not in your plans, marriage, family, career, ministry or life, stop what you’re doing and return to where He is. Sure enough, you’ll find Him in the church.

We’re busy people. We have a great deal of demands on our time and resources. However, don’t forget about Jesus. Do you remember the old hymn?

Only What You Do For Christ Will Last 

You may build great cathedrals large or small,
You can build skyscrapers grand and tall,

You may conquer all the failures of the past,
But only what you do for Christ will last.

Don’t forget about Jesus.


I bless you in the name of the Lord!