Pray And Believe – August 2K14 Youthful Expressions

By Eryck McCown, age 15

As a teenager, we go through a lot of things. Some situations may seem impossible like getting good grades, or doing well in a sport, or maybe even handling a job. The best thing to do when you feel like things are impossible is to pray. Pray And BelieveDon’t become too stressed over these situations. God can make a way for you just like He has made a way for other people. You have to believe what you pray.

Matthew 18:5-7 says, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Basically, it says that if you believe in God, He will protect you from anyone that tries to harm you. You can’t just pray and not believe – that’s like jumping out of a plane with no parachute – it makes no sense. If you don’t believe that God can do it, then He won’t do it. If you pray and believe that God will do it, then He can do it.

Another thing you could do is attend church regularly and actually participate in church. You shouldn’t just be sitting around doing nothing. There is always something to do. You can praise God, you can play and instrument, you can sing in the choir, you can become an usher, and more. Participating in church will help you attend church more and will allow you to build a closer relationship with God.