Depressed But Not Out! – August 2K14 WOTM

By Elder Joseph M. Guilford

As I was thinking about my Word of the Month, the July 27, 2014 Bible Band lesson came into my spirit. The lesson focused on “Helping the Deeply Distressed.” I recall when I first read this lesson, I was touched by it as I found myself deeply distressed several years ago.

Jesus Is The AnswerUpon the death of my wife of over 54 years on May 14, 2009, the spirit of depression, hopelessness and sorrow came upon me in a way that I could not control, even after having ministered to and guided others who had lost loved ones for over 40 years. I found myself seeking assistance from doctors and therapist, which only led me further into depression for nearly two years before I finally realized my problem. In my state of mind, I forgot that I was able to help others only by influencing them that it was not within themselves to handle their situation. It would take the power of God working in them to heal their hurt, give peace and restore their joy.

Now at the time of my sorrow, the devil attacked. I was hurting to the point that I was not able to heed what I had taught others. I allowed Satan to control my mind for nearly two years and things began to worsen to a point where I finally hid in my cave. I felt deprived, desolated, devastated and all my joy was gone. At this point, I knew only God could and would restore me.

So like David cried out to God in his cave in Psalm 25:16-17, I began to cry out to God for my deliverance. And thanks be to God, He was true and faithful to His Word and delivered me.

I write this, hoping that the body of believers will realize the need and value of ministering to one another in the time of sorrow – within the church and the world. We must remember that Jesus is the answer for every attack that Satan brings upon us. We must remind ourselves and the world that Jesus will never leave us nor will he forsake us. Jesus is the answer for the world today, tomorrow and forevermore.