Invest In Jesus


Matthew 6:19-21; Matthew 25:14-30

A few weeks ago I met with a financial advisor and had a lengthy discussion about short term and long term financial goals. As we talked, I learned about stocks, bonds, commodities, risk tolerance, diversifying and a great deal more. When our discussion ended I asked what investment mechanisms were available that guaranteed return and absolutely no risk. Of course his response was negative.

As I considered my options, the Lord brought something to my attention. He asked me, what have I invested in? We hear of athletes who devote countless hours practicing and training to perfect their craft. We hear of politicians who spend millions of dollars and an immeasurable amount of time for a campaign. What of the actor who gains or loses several pounds in preparation for a part in a movie or production? The physician will devote years of study and preparation in order to be licensed to practice medicine. We have all heard of the musician who plays until his fingers are sore – all to perfect his craft. There is the ballet dancer who repeats jump after jump, or spin after spin until her feet bleeds, all to present a better product. Well my friends, what about us and our service to God?

As a father (and now grandfather), I marvel at my wife’s parenting skills. For years I saw her spend time with our daughters in our home. We mutually decided, early into our marriage, that I would focus on earning income and she would devote time for rearing our children and operating the household. We decided we would delay purchasing new automobiles and other gadgets because we wanted our children raised and trained by us (we did not have family in our area). Years later, I can see the difference this made in our lives and the ministry.

Ask yourself, to what activity do you devote the most time and energy? Why does our government tell us over and over again that they are concerned about our children, but teachers are paid less than common laborers? Why do churches say we are concerned about our youth, but it’s almost impossible to staff youth classes? Other activities designed for young people (Sunshine Band, Purity Class, Vacation Bible School, etc.) have been dropped because we do not invest in our youth.

The Bible clearly tells us to train up a child in the way it should go (Prov. 22:6). How many of us read with or to our children? The Bible tells us to study to show thyself approved unto God (II Tim :15). How much time do you invest in Bible study? The Bible tells us that these kind come out but by fasting and praying (Mark 9:29). Our founding father, Bishop Mason, was known to spend 6, 8 or ten hours a day praying. How much time do we invest in our prayer life?

Stock brokers, real estate investors and lottery players all invest their money, energy and resources in disciplines that do not have a guaranteed payoff. But the child of God has an assurance in Jesus. Jesus never fails. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His Word shall not pass away (Matt 24:35).

There is a parable in the scripture that tells of three servants who were given talents: five, two and one respectively. The first servant doubled his resources to ten. The second servant doubled his to four. The third servant buried his talent, and when the master returned, handed it back just as he had received it.   For his unwillingness to invest his gifts, he was stripped of his talent and cast into outer darkness.

Friends, let me encourage you to invest in what God has given you. If you are married, invest in your marriage. Spend quality time with your spouse. Pay them compliments and buy them gifts at times other than Valentine’s Day and your anniversary. Invest in your children. Attend their back-to-school night, go to their concert or game, or read a book with them.  Invest in your pastor and church. Call and encourage him. Volunteer at your church to help in areas that are poorly represented.  Invest in your ministry. Don’t just read the Bible a day or so before you are scheduled to give a message. Lay before the Lord and spend some quality time with the Scriptures.  Finally, invest in yourself. Pay attention to your body and watch what you eat.  Be a good steward of your health.

The Lord invested in us. He paid dearly for our salvation by giving His only begotten Son. If we invest in God, we have a guaranteed return.  Do you remember the old congregational song?  Put your time in, payday is coming after while!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!

Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.
Holiness Tabernacle COGIC, Pastor & Founder

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  1. sareatha majors


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