1st Lady’s Blog: Huldah – Unveiling the Future


Women In The Bible Series: Huldah – Unveiling the Future

Lesson Nine: Huldah – Unveiling the Future
Lesson Eight: Ezekiel's Wife – He's Gone NutsLesson Seven: Ruth: In A Strange LandLesson Six: Hagar: A Woman ScornedLesson Five: A Shulamite: The BelovedLesson Four: Wisdom: A Woman Called By This NameLesson Three: Zipporah: Married to the MinistryLesson Two: Tamar: Overcoming Your Past | Lesson One: Leah: The Unloved

Hello ladies, and welcome to my blog! This year I am going to write a series called Women of the Bible, where I will explore the lives of some of the Bible’s most notable female characters. I believe every woman’s story can be found in God’s Word – and those stories can bring hope and encouragement. I will touch on some serious topics such as rape, suicide and jealousy, along with some lighter ones such as love, righteousness and more. Together, we can discover what the Lord is speaking to His beautiful bride.

Before we begin, I also want to thank you for joining me throughout last year’s series on Church Decorum. If you like what you read, send me comments and let me know – it encourages me to keep writing!

Taking this journey together,

First Lady Vivian Pruitte



2 Kings 22:14-20; 2 Chronicles 34:22-33

Reading the pages of the scroll she wants to gasp, but somehow keeps her composure. “I must keep my expression guarded,” she thinks to herself. With so many guards watching her every movement, they expect her to give them an answer that will satisfy the king.

She can’t help but think of her husband and his cushy job as the keeper of the king’s wardrobe.  “I hope his job is not contingent upon my response,” she quietly mumbles to herself.

But even more than that, she can’t believe her eyes as she reads about the doom and destruction that will come upon her own people. How can she take these words, filled with utter condemnation, and convey them in a diplomatic manner? “They could have taken the scrolls to Jeremiah instead of me,” her emotions are mixed with conflict. “At the same time, it is an honor that they have so much confidence in me.”

The last several kings plummeted the nation into a great state of apostasy. She couldn’t even remember ever seeing so much idolatry and godlessness. Thank God the new young king had set his heart to follow the Lord and reestablish worship. “Well, here I go,” she ultimately resigns herself. “They are waiting to hear what I have to say. Lord, word my mouth as I unveil the future of my people.”


Huldah found herself in a peculiar situation. She was called upon to interpret the words written on a scroll which spoke of the impending destruction of Jerusalem. I can imagine the men sent by the king to hear her interpretation, anxiously waiting on a reply. Consider her predicament and the pressure she must have been under. The fate of her nation literally rested in her hands in the form of a scroll. God revealed to her what would happen to the nation before anyone else. What an awesome responsibility to be placed on her!

The prophetess Huldah was revered as a righteous woman of God. In a time when so many in her nation were involved in sinful activities, she managed to keep herself unspotted from her surroundings. When so many were calling wrong right and right wrong, her voice must have been a lonely one. She held to her integrity and gave them the words as God had commanded her. She did not try to sweeten the words to make them more appealing to the king.

Huldah’s surroundings remind me of the world today. Just like her, we are also living in a time where so many are calling wrong right and right wrong. When we stand for what is right we are ostracized. We have become that lonely voice. We have to be more determined than ever to hold to that which is right. God is going to judge us according to His standard – not our standard or the world’s standard. The Bible tells us we are to remain unspotted from the world. Huldah was a great model of a woman who was able to remain upright even in a sinful world.

Huldah is a woman we can hold up as an example of a woman who, when under pressure, was able to maintain her integrity and not compromise her faith. God has already unveiled the future for us through His Word. We know impending doom is coming. We must work even harder to stick close to God so we can be spared, just as King Josiah was spared. We must follow Huldah’s illustration of faith when we come under pressure from the world to give in or compromise our standards.