Reflect Onto Me My Lord – September 2K14 WOTM

   Reflect onto me my God and savior.

Reflect Onto Me My LordFor I am the reflection of man in your image.

   Reflect onto me my heavenly Father.

I have sin in the flesh and spirit.

   Reflect onto me my God Almighty.

You have created man flawless to live for eternity, for there is no time in forever.

   Reflect onto me my Shepherd, Jesus.

Sin wasn't the plan for man through your eyes.

   Reflect onto me my lord and savior

The way to live righteously, spiritually, abundantly and also live a holy life.

   Reflect onto me Christ my messiah.

Use  my spirit to control my flesh for the rest of my time here.

   Reflect onto me my lord Emmanuel.

So my spirit can last for eternity.

   Reflect onto me my King of the heavens.

For God and Eternity is forever, and my Flesh and Time is just temporary.

   Reflect onto me my King of all in existence.

I have already chosen Eternity.

   And this is something I will always remember, Time waits for no man, and there is no Time in Eternity……..

By Bro. Tafari Manrique