His Harvest, Our Mission – Annual Mission’s Day Recap

Missions Annual Day at Holiness Tabernacle is always an exciting event, but this year was special. Sunday, September 14th marked the fifth annual missions celebration, as well as the first time Holiness Tabernacle fellowshipped with Impact Pentecostal Fellowship Church of God in Christ, led by Pastor Solomon Iyobosa Omo-Osagie II.

Missions_logoMissionary Myrna Howard, the Missions Department President at Holiness Tabernacle, beamed with excitement as she called the congregation to worship. “I don’t know about you, but I came to praise the Lord on tonight!” The resounding praise from the congregation made it clear that praise and fellowship were definitely top priorities on the program that evening.

Missions Department members, Elder George Green and Sister Lilian Delardge, provided the opening prayer and scripture respectively, and were followed by the praise team, led by Sister DeAnna Pruitte. After a few moments of listening to the praise team belt out the inspiring lyrics of “Come on and Bless the Lord With Me,” one by one the worshippers in the congregation found themselves on their feet, swaying and singing along to the music that encouraged them to “clap your hands if you really love Jesus!”

When the praise team was seated, Missionary Howard rose to the podium again with a smile on her face. “Tonight we have a special treat for you. We have two people who would like to testify about the Missions Department here at HTC.” Sure enough, two women in the audience rose and made their way to the pulpit, where they shared their appreciation for the awesome work done by Holiness Tabernacle’s missions program.

The first guest proclaimed confidently in a lilting Nigerian accent, “This church does the work of God.” The second guest read a letter that she had written in her native tongue, Spanish. The letter conveyed her gratitude to Holiness Tabernacle for being such a blessing to so many families, her own included. The testimonies of these two ladies were met with rousing applause.

Holiness Tabernacle’s music department soon had the congregation on its feet again with an upbeat, foot tapping selection, and afterward the offering table was pulled to the front. The goal was announced, and within 15 minutes, the goal was exceeded through the combined efforts of Holiness Tabernacle and Impact. Having accomplished the financial goal of the service, all minds and hearts were turned to the pulpit, waiting to hear the Word of God from the honored guest pastor.

Pastor Pruitte read through Pastor Omo-Osagie’s bio, listing his extensive accomplishments in the realm of academics, poetry and ministry. He lauded the members of Impact Pentecostal Fellowship for being so supportive of their leader, and invited their music department to share a selection before their leader approached the podium to speak.

Without hesitation, First Lady Andrea Antoinette of Impact rose gracefully from her seat and stood before the congregation with the other members of the Impact Voices. Raising her hands, she began to sing in a soft, clear voice, “I Will Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul.” As she sang, the Impact Voices rose and fell with hers, and when they finished their selection every member of the congregation stood to their feet, praising God and waiting expectantly to hear the Word.

The 2014 theme for the Missions Department was “His Harvest – Our Mission,” with the theme scripture coming from Matthew 9:37, which states that “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.” Pastor Omo-Osagie wasted no time reading the scriptures and launching into his thought for the evening, “Mission Possible.” Pastor Omo-Osagie described his fondness for action shows of old such as Mission Impossible, Charlie’s Angels, etc. In these shows, each mission seemed to be impossible to complete. But Pastor Omo-Osagie reminded the members and guests that the simple fact that the challenges in these shows, (much like the problems we face in life) were caused by mankind, immediately made the “impossible” possible, because with God all things are possible.

“As saints, our mission is God’s harvest,” Pastor Omo-Osagie continued. “We are instructed to go out and reach and teach the nations. Where are the nations? The nations are everywhere you look. The grocery store, the street, the work environment are all nations full of souls that need to be harvested for the kingdom of God.” Pastor Omo-Osagie admonished the saints to be willing to accept the mission.

At the closing of his message, those who were willing to accept the mission anew came forward for prayer, and soon the walls of the church resounded with the praise from the saints as they were encouraged to re-attack their God-given assignment to witness and harvest souls for Christ.

When every eye had been dried, and the saints were seated again, Missionary Howard stood to make the final presentations. She presented gifts of appreciation to each member of the Missions Department, as well as three special volunteers who came to support the service.

With laughing eyes, Pastor Omo-Osagie rose to make the closing remarks, insisting that Holiness Tabernacle visit Edgemere, Maryland the following year so that Impact could repay Holiness Tabernacle for their hospitality. The service was soon dismissed and both churches enjoyed food and fellowship before waving their goodbyes and setting their sights on the road home, this time with God’s mission on their minds.