A Limitless God – October 2K14 WTLB

By Sister Naola Robinson

When I was a child I had a heat stroke. I was riding my bike and all of a sudden everything went black. I could hear everything around me, but I couldn’t see. I couldn’t speak. All I could do is lie there in the street. My sister was with me and I heard her telling me it would be alright. She lifted me up, put me on the back of her bike, and by sure grace took me home.

no-limitsAt home my mother laid me down on the bed, poured ice all around me and began to wipe me down with cold cloths so my body temperature would go down. I still couldn’t see anything – it was so dark. My sister was in the room and I heard her crying. All I could do was think, “pray for me.” She kneeled beside my bed and began praying. While she prayed outwardly, I prayed inwardly not being able to speak. The more we prayed, the more light I began to see. Soon, my throat began to open up and I could actually start praying outwardly. Our prayers got so intense and loud, both of us crying out for God to heal me. I looked over to my sister –  I could see her so clearly – and I said to her, “Lola I can see you!” We cried and started praising God! 

As a child I had been taught that God was all powerful and there was nothing He couldn’t do. I would sit in church and hear about Jesus and all the miracles He had done. I saw some miracles myself and didn’t question the validity of any of it. Have you ever sat and thought about that? God has no limits to what He can do in us or for us so why do we put limits on Him? Why do we not trust Him to do exceedingly above all our limited minds can imagine (Eph 3: 20)? A child trusts his or her parents totally! They do not believe there is anything a parent can’t do. And when it comes to their father, to them he is stronger than any superhero! So why do we allow that trust in God to be questioned? He’s our spiritual Father and we are His children. There is nothing He can’t or won’t do if we just trust and believe.