Thank You Lord!


It’s almost that time of year again – already. The long hot sweltering days of summer are over and the students are back in school. The leaves are turning those beautiful colors of orange, brown, gold and a dark red. The mornings are cool, the sun breaks through mid-morning and the temperatures are comfortable for almost anyone. Our minds and thoughts seem to become more focused as we know a very special season is right around the corner. However, let us not forget there is a holiday this month that I have come to appreciate more as the years pass by – Thanksgiving.

To my knowledge only the United States and Canada celebrate this day – and if you haven’t noticed, we barely acknowledge this day of gratitude ourselves. It seems as though our merchants have increased the observance of Halloween (isn’t that surprising) and the stores skip over Thanksgiving and go right to Christmas. Undoubtedly this is a result of the fact that people spend money on costumes and candy, we spend billions exchanging gifts on December 25th,  but Thanksgiving seems to have an altogether different theme.

As I advance in age, I often find myself contemplating and remembering the many blessings God has bestowed upon me. I see my children maturing and becoming not only responsible adults, but godly women. I see my grandchildren growing more and more independent day by day. I see members of our congregation developing fine, Christian character and becoming great witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ. As I witness these things, praise and thanksgiving almost automatically come out of my mouth. Often I will ask myself what I did to deserve such blessings. Of course the answer is absolutely nothing. The fact remains, God has smiled on me and granted me tremendous favor – as He has you.

Perhaps you do not have the home, automobile or career you desire. Perhaps your bank account or retirement funds are not what you think they should be. Perhaps your child has run astray of the law or your spouse wasn’t what they said they were going to be. The fact remains that God loves you and I and He has gone to great measures to prove that love to us. Isn’t that a whole lot to be thankful for? Yes, our nation has rebelled against the natural order of God’s Word, and yes we have seen great tragedies as a result of racial tension and violent behavior. Our economy is weak and educational opportunities are not the same for everyone. Yet God has smiled on this country as well as on you and me.

I want to encourage you to take some time today to give God thanks and praise. As your family gathers around the table and you enjoy a delicious meal, pause and give God thanks. As you sit in your warm home or start your car, give God thanks. On your way to work, remember to give Him thanks. I implore you not to wait until a special day of the year. We should not need to be reminded of the Lord’s goodness. Doesn’t the Psalmist tell us, “…Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for His mercy endureth forever.”

Before you complain about your lack of resources, imagine your state if God had charged you for salvation. If your bills are high now, imagine how high they would be if you had to pay for forgiveness. What if God sent you a bill every time He healed you? What if God charged you every time He gave you council or protected you? Is it possible we have taken some of God’s goodness and faithfulness for granted? Is it possible that we are behind in giving God thanks and praise because He is so faithful towards us?

My friends, you and I have so much to be thankful for. I want to again encourage those who read this article, give God thanks for what He’s done in your life. Do you remember the song by the late Bishop Walter Hawkins

“Tragedies are commonplace,
All kind of diseases people are slipping away;

Economy’s down, people can’t get enough pay,
As for me all I can say is;
Thank you Lord for all you’ve done for me!”

So on behalf of Mother Pruitte and the Holiness Tabernacle Family – Happy Thanksgiving!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!

Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.
Holiness Tabernacle COGIC, Pastor & Founder