What Thanksgiving Means to Me – November 2K14 WOTM

by Brother Matthew Abney

My first thoughts of Thanksgiving are probably similar to what most think. At first glance, things might not be that great.  For example, by the fall of 1621, only half of the pilgrims who had sailed on the Mayflower had survived. Those that did survive were thankful to be alive and decided to give a thanksgiving feast.  Today, Thanksgiving has the highest death rate among the holidays. In 2012, 2.5 million died from alcohol consumption, suicide, traffic accidents and more. I sometimes think of the Native Americans who willingly shared their way of survival with the pilgrims –  only to be taken advantage of later.

ThanksgivingHowever, I like to remember this day as a time to spend with friends and family.  I enjoy making plans to see everyone, knowing we’re going to have a nice time.  I sometimes reminisce on those past Thanksgiving holidays when perhaps things started off not so great.  For example, there was the time the kids were in the back yard playing and there was a mishap.  But before long, we had patched things up and we were playing again, laughing and playing with board games, and soon the day ended up being a great time.  I believe that’s how we should approach life as a whole: things may start out rough, but we can seek God to turn it into something good.

There are always two sides or two different ways to approach things in life.  There is the person wants to spend time with his / her loved ones, but has to work.  Then there is the one who doesn’t take advantage of their opportunity to be with their loved ones.  There is the person who goes to great lengths to make the day enjoyable for everyone around. Then there is the person who just sits in the house, not wanting to be bothered by anyone.

This year I purposed in my heart to make this a special day.  I have decided to pick up the telephone and call friends and family and tell them I love them and wish them Happy Thanksgiving.  I decided to invite someone to dinner who otherwise might be alone and share with them.  We’ll play games, have a great meal and spend some quality time in good ole fashioned fellowship. 

I would like to encourage you to do the same.  You will receive great pleasure, not only by having your family present, but by opening your heart and your home to someone who may be spending one of the greatest days of the year alone.  It would mean a great deal to you, that individual and GOD. Think of it as feeding His sheep.  Help turn what could have been a lonely day into a great day.  This is what this holiday should be all about.  If you have to work, bring the spirit of Thanksgiving to the job and make it a group effort.  Include some of your co-workers in the planning.  Perhaps one can bring a game, another can bring desserts, and someone else can bring a dish.  Wouldn’t it be great if everyone did their part in giving thanks and focusing on making someone else happy?  We would all feel better about one another, ourselves and God at the end of the day.

This Thanksgiving, be safe, be encouraged and take some time to see the bigger picture.  Everyone needs a little encouragement at times.  Make sure you play your part in encouraging someone.

I will rest better and enjoy this Thanksgiving because I know the saints are going to enjoy this day.  Happy Thanksgiving!