The Greatest Gift of All – Jesus!


Matthew 1:18-25

Without question this season is absolutely my favorite – the Christmas season! Anyone that knows me can attest that I absolutely, positively love Christmas. I love everything about Christmas. I love the lights and decorations. I love the foods and smells. I love the excitement in the atmosphere and large crowds shopping at the mall. I love the commercials and old television programs. I love the Christmas carols being sung by the choir as well as caroling with my neighbors. I love the Christmas plays at church as well as spending time with family and friends. And of course, I love the exchanging of gifts.

When I have a lull or quiet time, I like to reminisce about some of my favorite Christmas moments. There was the year I hid my wife’s gifts around the house and she had to go on a scavenger hunt to find them. There was the time we gave the three oldest girls the news that they were going to have a baby brother or sister in a few months. One year, we were struggling financially and it seemed unlikely that we would have gifts for the girls. However, the very week of Christmas the Lord worked a miracle and we had the resources to bless our daughters as well as our friends. Another year I purchased my wife an automobile and hid it for an entire month! We went to church service Christmas morning and when we arrived back home that afternoon, the car was in the driveway with a bow attached. I love Christmas!

I could go on and on, however, let there be no doubt that the best Christmas ever was the first Noel. There were no decorations, there was no Christmas tree, there was no shopping or exchanging of gifts (the Magi did not arrive until a few years later). According to the holy Scripture, the only gift shared that year was God giving His Son to the world – a gift that has continued to give ever since. As bad as it is now, take a moment and imagine a world without Jesus. Imagine your life without Jesus. Imagine you having to stand before God without the blood of Christ covering you. Imagine having to go to the cross for yourself. Imagine having to encourage yourself or cast out demons in your own name. What if you had to heal yourself? My friends, Jesus was and continues to be the greatest gift of all.

I want to encourage you to enjoy this Christmas. Please take some time and enjoy your family and friends. If you can, decorate your home or office. Sing a Christmas carol or two. Purchase a gift for your loved ones and don’t necessarily expect a gift back from them. Treat yourself to a delicious meal or a gift for yourself. However, don’t allow this special season to go by without giving thanks and blessing God for the greatest gift of all – His Son!

Attend a special church service and reflect on the impact Jesus has made in your life. Think about the miraculous difference He has made. Do you ever pause to think about what Christ has done for you?  Just as I reflect on my favorite Christmas moments, what if you reflect on your favorite “Christ” moments. For example, think about the day you received Christ as your personal Savoir or the time when He delivered you from a horrible stronghold. Think about the time when He answered your prayer or the time when He performed a great miracle in your life.  There is no doubt in my mind, when you reflect on Jesus this Christmas, you’ll be inspired to share Him, His love and His message with someone else. That’s the wonder of Jesus and Christmas – you want to share Him with other people.

Just think about that. Have you noticed that other religions have their celebrations during the same time?  I used to become frustrated that other religions were crowding in on my Savior’s time. However, God has delivered me from that and allowed me to see things from a different perspective. Jesus is so great, He is so awesome, no matter how many other celebrations or observances are scheduled – they will never replace Jesus! That’s because He is the gift to the whole world, not just Christians. Jesus came to make the whole world better, whether we accept Him or not!

My friends, Christmas should be enjoyed by the people of God even if you cannot afford to buy one gift. If you cannot treat yourself to your favorite meal, if you can’t sing on key, if you don’t like Christmas trees, or if large crowds get on your nerves, nothing should take away from the fact that God gave all of mankind the greatest gift of all – His Son Jesus Christ. Find some time and some way to celebrate that this season: it will bless you and you in turn will be a blessing!

On behalf of Mother Vivian Pruitte, the Pruitte family and the entire Holiness Tabernacle family –  we wish you a Merry Christmas!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!