What Is Love?


As the calendar turns to the month of February and some hope that the cold grip of winter will soon melt away, many of us look forward to warmer temperatures and the aroma of love in the air (Valentine paraphernalia in the stores aids in these thoughts and emotions). Of course, I am also taken with several of these thoughts as my wife and I just celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary in January. Because of our church’s consecration commitment, however, we will actually celebrate our anniversary this month. What a blessing it has been being married to such an awesome woman of God.

Are any of you old enough to remember back in the ‘70s when there was a very popular movie entitled, “Love Story”? One of the lasting quotes from the movie was, “…love means never having to say you’re sorry.” From that quote, people developed several “what is love” commentaries. Well, I thought it would be helpful to define love through the eyes of a holy and righteous God. For the next few moments, let’s discuss how God defines and displays love compared to man.

The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” (John 3:16). The apostle John declared, “He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love” (I John 4:8). John also declared, “Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). There are many more scriptures I could present, but do you notice a common theme? God’s love for us causes Him to act on our behalf. Everything God does is motivated by love: He is the epitome of love. He is love personified.  His love for us has nothing to do with what we can do for Him because He has everything and we have absolutely nothing to offer Him but filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). In fact, He even said that He did not choose Israel because they were the strongest or most powerful. God’s love for us is strikingly different than man’s love.

Man’s love for the most part is carnal. Man focuses on the flesh and physical attraction. We most often only love those who we feel can do something for us. Our commercials, television programs and advertisements are based upon physical attraction. We are more concerned about what the other individual can provide for us. Too often, when we feel the person no longer fulfills that desire, we have no problem discarding them and looking for someone else. Despite our vows, children or other obligations, man can decide rather quickly to stop loving one another. God’s love is eternal.

Humans hurt people they love – sometimes accidentally, but often times intentionally. People seem to have no problem physically, verbally, or emotionally abusing ones whom they say they love. But this is so unlike God. I have even heard some groups say their god tells them to kill themselves along with their enemies and they will be rewarded in their heaven. The God that I serve gave Himself for me and wants me to live an abundant life. Regarding my enemies? He told me to love them and treat them with kindness! What an awesome God we serve.

This month you will undoubtedly hear several stories of the origination of Valentine’s Day. Some say it began when a man refused to turn in a group of innocent people, and was martyred. Others say this celebration is a result of an individual who performed weddings for soldiers who had been otherwise forbidden to marry. I have even heard it said that this day is a celebration in remembrance of a young man who was killed as a result of his love for his young bride-to-be. I cannot debate any of these accounts. However, I choose to consult the holy writ. True love, the real Valentine story, is a result of a holy God loving an unholy people.

Now don’t let this message excuse you from buying your loved one a gift, or taking them to dinner. I am going to purchase at least two dozen of roses for Mrs. Pruitte. I am going to take her to a nice restaurant. In keeping with tradition, I am going to buy chocolates and stuffed animals for my daughters and granddaughter. However, I will not fail to thank and bless the almighty God for blessing me with a lovely wife and family. He is the one who brought them into my life and I owe Him glory and honor for loving me so.

What is love? God is love!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!