Don’t Reset, Reevaluate – March 2K15 WTLB

By Sister Asha King

As we think back on our past, sometimes we find ourselves wishing we could take back some of the stuff we may have done. Many people, if given the choice to have a reset button on their life, would quickly press it and take everything back. What we fail to understand is that everything that has happened in our life has made us who we are. Fruit-of-the-SpiritEven though you may feel like you have hit rock bottom, there’s a better way to handle this. Don’t reset your life, reevaluate! Change your perspective on how you see things, and gather a new outlook on your life. Once you acknowledge you need a change, things can only get positive from that point on.

During the spring time we find ourselves cleaning a lot, which we all know as spring cleaning. We are looking for a change, so we start to transition and transform our homes into something bright and colorful. We get rid of the winter colors and bring in those warm, lively colors. We may get rid of old furniture and old clothes, and get something brand new. How about we try that with our lives. Take out your bad habits and let go of the sin. Instead, bring in “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance” (Galatians 5: 22-23).  Wear your jeans of love in the spring, wear your shorts of peace in the summer, in the fall wear your boots of faith, and wear your coat of temperance in the winter. And wear them confidently and proudly! Never dwell on your past too long, learn from it and keep moving forward. If you focus on your past for too long it will physically hold you back and hinder you from growing. Don’t let anyone tell you that you wear your fruits of the spirit “clothing” incorrectly. So make sure you continue to “spring clean” your life, and if you get a chance, offer a friend or a family member an article of your new and improved wardrobe!