Enough Is Enough


I Samuel 11:1-11

Not too long ago, the Lord directed me to challenge His people.  On this particular day I was in my office and it seemed as though I received several telephone calls from people who were seeking help.  Because of our church's many community based programs, this is not uncommon.  However, this day most of the calls seemed to be from people who knew (or claimed to know) Jesus Christ as their savior.

As I contemplated the people's problems, I thought about the many issues confronting the body of Christ today and my spirit was grieved.  I began to think about the children of Israel; more specifically, I recalled the account of their exodus from Egypt. If you remember, only the Egyptians were impacted by the plagues the Lord sent.  Goshen was the area where the Hebrews lived, and remained untouched for all of the plagues, with the exception of the final one. Today, we cannot make that same statement.  It seems as though all of the same problems that continuously plague the world and unbelievers, have as much effect on the people of God.  I believe it is time for God's people to declare, "Enough Is Enough".

In I Samuel 11, the men of Jabesh-Gilead (believed to be kin to the tribe of Benjamin) were faced with a dilemma.  King Nahash of the Ammonites offered the people an ultimatum.  They could either be annihilated completely, or choose be overthrown and enslaved.  The leaders of the city would have accepted slavery, but this time slavery came with a sordid "twist".  The men would have to have their right eyes plucked out so that they would be a reproach to all of Israel as well as their God. Upon hearing this, the men of the city declared this was one condition they could not accept. Did you notice that the appeal came to the elders of the city? In other words, they appealed to the leaders. They sent word to their newly elected king – Saul.

King Saul sent word to all of the men of Israel to join him and Samuel to come to the aid of their brothers. He also killed two animals, severed them into small pieces and declared that any man who did not come to his aid would be dealt with in the same manner.

The results were overwhelming.  More than 332,000 men responded to Saul's invitation and came to the rescue. The city of Jabesh-Gilead was not only spared embarrassment, but the Ammonites were slain in such great numbers that the bible records not two of them could be found standing together!

My friends, at what point will we stand up and declare, "Enough Is Enough"!  How many more of our marriages will have to fail?  How many more of our children will have to be lost?  How many more of our young men of color will have to be killed?  How long will we continue to accept corruption in our government?  How long will we allow depression, bitterness, resentment, racism, anger, ungodliness and abuse wreak havoc in our lives?  All of these things serve as a reproach on us and our God!  When will the words of the scripture become more than just words and a reality?  One of us should chase a thousand.  Two of us should chase ten thousand!  I am challenging you who have read this article to come out of hiding and declare, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!

One Comment

  1. Jurgen garay

    Was wondering if you guys are still doing the food pan try’s at the church? Because I am in need of some help

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