First Lady’s Blog: Q&A Concerning Ministry


Let’s Take This Journey Together: Concerning Ministry

Concerning Women of God | Concerning Women of God | Concerning Women of God | Concerning Ministry

Hello ladies, and welcome to my blog! The year 2014 is behind us – which means it’s time to say goodbye to my Women of the Bible Series. I must say, as I wrote about each of those pivotal women, learning the way they thought, felt and realizing their experiences were not much different than our experiences today, I found myself connecting with each of them in a special way. I hope you learned from them as I did.

This year I am shifting focus again. As a teacher, my students know that one of my favorite sayings is, “Let’s take this journey together!” So, I decided to make this the title of my 2015 blog. This year, I will be answering questions that many of us have about this Christian journey, but may be afraid to ask. All questions are submitted anonymously, and I will answer your questions using Biblical principles and drawing from my personal experiences. So if you have a question or would like to comment, feel free to submit them – you just may see your question addressed and answered on my blog! I look forward to another year of sharing with you. Let’s Take This Journey Together!

Taking this journey together,

First Lady Vivian Pruitte


QUESTION: Since the pastor is my covering, does that mean my personal ministry has to go through him or can I minister in the community in the name of the Lord without my church affiliation?


ANSWER: When we minister we do it in the name of the Lord. That being said, your pastor is your spiritual covering and is responsible for your spiritually growth. You should not have a ministry outside the realm of your church without your pastor knowing about it. Your ministry may not necessarily have to be under the name of the church, but your pastor should be fully aware of it and it should not conflict or go against the teachings of your church.

We must understand that when we minister, we are giving of ourselves to others. When you do that, you also open yourself to receive what that person or persons are releasing to you. Acts 8:7a cautions us, “For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them:” You need to have your pastor covering you and praying for you. If your church does not have that particular ministry, this may be a good opportunity for you to ask your pastor’s permission to start it in your church and help enhance the ministry.

You always want to remain in communication with your pastor in case you run into difficulties while ministering outside the church. He can be a source of guidance for you. Some people will zap you of your strength and have no intentions of converting to Christianity. Beware of these and do not allow them to consume your time. They will keep you from tending to those who have a sincere need. Attending church regularly will also help recharge you for your ministry. You will need to replenish your spiritual strength to carry on the work of the Lord.

Remember as you minister that your ultimate goal is to bring others into the kingdom of God. This should always be your focus in any manner you bring the Gospel to others. Whether it’s through your testimony, prayer, or using your daily walk as an epistle, the glory should always go to our Lord and Savior who has given us the ability to be effective witnesses for Him. May the Lord bless you on your journey to bring others to the vineyard!