Jesus at the Convocation


Exodus 12:16 And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you.

Luke 4:16-22

I heard this message from my former pastor and as we prepare for the 101st Annual Holy Convocation for the First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia, the Holy Spirit reminded me of this thought..

The concept of a convocation (or gathering of the saints) was first introduced to us by Moses as a direct command from the Lord Himself.  Historically, we don't hear much about this event until the founding father of the Church Of God In Christ, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, made this a "calling card" of our denomination.  The saints would gather from around the world in Memphis, Tennessee for weeks of prayer, fasting, worship and mighty miracles. In fact, the first three days of the Convocation were dedicated to fasting and a shut-in, while the rest of the country celebrated Thanksgiving!

The saints gathered to sit at the feet of the leader who preached and ministered under the anointing!  People were miraculously healed, saved, set free and a myriad of other marvels.  There was a tremendous feeling of unity and strength because the people of God had gathered together and were all focused on the Lord.  This is really the purpose of the convocation.

In the New Testament text, Jesus visited the temple in His home town as He had done countless times before.  Picking up the holy scrolls, He read from a passage in Isaiah 61.  However, when he read it this time, Jesus declared that this particular scripture was being fulfilled that day in their very eyes!  The emphasis was on the fact that the Lord had shown up in the midst of the people who had gathered together in the temple to read the Word of the Lord!  What a novel idea – Jesus was in their midst as they had gathered together in the church.

What is it about us that we do not like spending time with the people of God?  Do you know people who attend church, only to run out of the building after the benediction to avoid fellowshipping with the other saints. Or people who drift from church to church – never establishing roots or building godly, healthy relationships. Have you ever wondered how they grow in the Lord? 

This was not God's intent for His people: He wants us to worship Him together and what better place than at the convocation!  So He commanded His people to rest from their labor and congregate together.

Unfortunately there are many who have never experienced the mighty move of the Spirit of God at the Holy Convocation.  Many members of our denomination have never experienced the tremendous feeling and excitement of praising God with hundreds of thousands of like believers.

In Virginia First Jurisdiction, we will gather from August 16-23, 2015 for our Holy Convocation.  The first 40 hours will be spent fasting, praying and shut-in at the church.  Then we'll gather for services during the day and evening, worshipping and praising God.  There will be great messages, mighty acts of the Spirit and tremendous fellowship with the saints.

Later, from November 2-9 in St. Louis, Missouri, the Church Of God In Christ will hold its 108th annual Holy Convocation.  If you can, try to attend one of these events – it will be an experience you will never forget!

However, if you cannot, please find your way to a holiness church.  While you're in the service, keep your eyes, ears and heart open.  Our Lord and Savior is sure to make an appearance, because as we read in Luke, He enjoys attending church services and fellowshipping with his people – don't you?

I bless you in the name of the Lord!