Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding – August 2K15 WOTM

By Minister André Powell

The book of Acts, with focus on Paul, shows the awesomeness of God and the difference between having wisdom and having spiritual understanding. 

wisdom-large-3Paul was a persecutor of the saints because of what he knew. His background alone put him in some of the most influential circles, including the Pharisees (Acts 23:6). If you know anything about the Pharisees, they were the “most learned” group when it came to the Law of Moses and the words of the prophets compared to any other group. They believed that those who followed Christ were basically blaspheming God. Paul believed this as well. Which is why his encounter with Christ made all the difference in changing his earthly wisdom to true spiritual understanding that Christ was the One spoken of in the Holy Scriptures. You've read the story – on that fateful road to Damascus – and how Paul would never be the same. 

Take notice that God made the difference in Paul’s life, but used that same character and vigor that he had prior to his encounter with Christ, making Paul one of the most influential evangelist of his time. During that time, no one started as many fellowships and churches as Paul did. No one provided the type of spiritual guidance or parenting that he did for each soul that he reached. We see evidence of that in the New Testament. No one wrote more letters, later included in the Bible, than him. This alone shows the amount of grace that God gave not only to Paul, but to us as well. God lets us know that there is no sin that He can’t or won’t forgive. Paul was killing the saints, yet God still used him to save so many more lives.

Remember, God doesn't change who He made us to be. Instead, He usually will change our focus and approach. He takes the time and makes the selfish individual into a selfless individual. He transforms the lust driven for the world to love driven for the souls and the Kingdom. We must truly get to the place where God can use us no matter what and take Him wherever we go. God is in control when fully surrender to Him – not holding back anything. God knows us better than we could ever know ourselves. So doesn't it make sense to let the all-knowing one that created you, have total authority over your life? Doesn’t it make sense to walk according His Word and way? He'd never lead us to error. Rather, He’ll take the wisdom and insight He has provided and add to it spiritual understanding so that we can truly fulfill that which He has called us to do.

One Comment

  1. Jim Harvey

    Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding was wonderful reading. Thanks, Andre!

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