Holiness Tabernacle Men’s Day: Men Whose Hearts that God has Touched

By Deacon Jeffery Howard

And Saul also went home to Gibeah; and there went with him a band of men, whose hearts God had touched. 1 Samuel 10:26

On Saturday, August 1, the Holiness Tabernacle men rallied together for an awesome Men’s Day service.  God blessed us from the start as Deacon David Moses led an anointed prayer. Minister Andre Powell and Deacon Jeffery Howard led the congregation in an exuberant time of praise and worship!

Afterwards, Brother John Mabry, III gave encouraging words from a youths’ standpoint about what it meant to transition from a boy into a young man. One area he emphasized was the negative effect on the entire household if he did not complete his assigned chores. From the stench of garbage to the un-sanitized bathrooms, his actions mattered.

Elder John Mabry, II came behind his youngest son and gave enlightening words – teaching on the tremendous responsibilities of a man. He said that God gave man the responsibility to be the provider for the family, a teacher, protector and to pro-create.  He indicated that God gave Adam these same responsibilities in the beginning when He created man.

Another pleasant surprise for us all were the invited guests of Deacon Napoleon Paxton; the Prince William County government officials from the Fatherhood Initiative Program. We had a brief graduation ceremony during the service for three Holiness Tabernacle men that completed the Fatherhood course: Pastor Eddie B Pruitte, Jr., Minister Powell and Deacon Howard.

Mr. Darwin Overton, chair of the program, had words of encouragement for fathers. One statement he said was, “Fathers, you are not an ATM machine.” Basically, fathers should teach their sons to work and earn their own income to be providers to the household.

The Men’s choir went to battle with the enemy with a powerful song of praise, “War!” Finally, the climax of the service was a profound message by Executive Pastor, Elder Bruce Hughes of St. Stephens Church Of God In Christ. He spoke from our theme in 1 Samuel 10:26; God has touched the lives of men to support the work of the church, and uphold the pastor. God even blessed us abundantly in finances from the liberal offerings of the saints. This Annual Men’s Day service was a great blessing and illuminating experience for us all!