Diet and Let Go! – September 2K15 WTLB

Missionary Andrea Mabry

Many witnesses have walked the diet trail of success, yet many struggle. Many of us can write stories of success and failure. Throughout each year, from season to season, we develop a plan to lose and have these grand expectations, only to realize at year end our goal was not accomplished.

We blame the plan, another individual or life events, neglecting to acknowledge our own lack of discipline or our lack of follow through.

Diet And GoThere are elements to a successful diet:

  1. Develop an inward belief system and determined mind-set. Instead of giving lip service, just do it and avoid distractions.
  2. Be patient – the pounds did not develop overnight
  3. Exhibit Self-control. You must know yourself – why you crave or desire – is this emotionally related, stress-induced, or related to depression or anger?
  4. Maintain a balance. Eat healthy even though you may splurge on occasion. Exercise regularly. Meditate on the positive.

The same principles that apply to our physical well-being are applicable to our spiritual fitness.

Hebrews 12:1-4 reminds us that we have so many witnesses of old and present, great faith witnesses that had to Diet and Let Go!

The Word provides the command: Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

What is weight? Weight is a hindrance to our spiritual progression. They are obstacles that stand in our path toward spiritual fulfillment. Such obstacles include bitterness, discouragement, disobedience, hardship, hurts, depression, oppression, stress, anxieties, defeats, successes and many more. The list can become rather lengthy. Weights feel difficult to bare and Satan magnifies it. If we are not careful, we will become defeated in our mind.  This is why it is important that we continually seek God for a renewed mind so we can experience a complete transformation.   

What is sin? Sin is shameful or wrong moral conduct. All unrighteousness is sin in the sight of God. Sin prohibits us from doing the will of God and developing a relationship with Him. Some people believe a little sin is harmless because it is a small indiscretion. All sin is a transgression whether it is a small or large.  A little lie, no matter what shade of color you label it, is the same as a big lie. Spiritual murder has the same affect as physical murder. They both kill.  

What can prohibit us from doing the will of God?  Unbelief! If we had total belief in what God commanded then we would not question Him. Unbelief is lack of faith in God put forth in action! 

We are reminded to run and how to run – with patience. We are running the race with patience. We must pace ourselves in this daily life journey, while maintaining a balanced diet. We have to shed the pounds and lose the weight. We have to declutter our lives and live for Christ.  We have free will and choice, so it is up to us to Diet and Let Go! We determine our destiny in God. We must speak boldly to that weight. Speak boldly in our circumstances and situation!

We must take control of our lives and live.  We must look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. What is an author? Someone who writes, an originator, creator, inventor. What is a finisher? One who completes to perfect in detail, to overcome completely. Jesus was the leader of faith. What is faith?  Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  Faith is absolute confidence in him even though you do not see him.  Total trust! Complete reliance and dependence upon.

Who is Jesus? In the beginning He was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.  We must get and keep our mind fixated on Jesus, our Creator, our Deliverer and our Life after death. Stay focused on Him. Do not look to the east, west, north or south.  Stay rooted in Him and focused.  Jesus died for the remission of our sins. It was our filth that His blood cleansed. We have a perfect example Christ Jesus.

Diet and Let Go! Walk in our victory! Take back what God gave to you.  Re-claim what is rightfully yours. Declare victory and reclaim success even if the situation looks like you are defeated.  In God there is no failure. He knows when we are stepping out by faith.  This is a faith walk, however, we must Diet and Let Go!