Repentance – October 2K15 Youthful Expressions

This month, one of our Sunday school lessons taught students about repentance. The prophet Ezekiel ministered to the Israelites living in exile. His message was that they should stop blaming their ancestors for their fate, and begin to take responsibility and repent to God for their actions. uturnEzekiel 18:2 says, "What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?" This verse explains the lack of accountability that the Israelites took and their belief in that they are being punished for their forefathers doings. God, however, is pleased with ownership and accountability and wanted the Israelites to repent and ask for his forgiveness as he rewards those that seek forgiveness from Him.

From this lesson, I learned how important it is to repent to God. It may be difficult to do because of pride, however, God doesn't need you to broadcast your sins to the world, but to Him. It is easy to blame someone else for your situations, instead of taking ownership yourself (Ezekiel 18:3), but God wants to hear you repent to him for your mistakes so He can bless you and take you higher.

By: Tamika Alexander