2016 Theme: We Confess, We Believe, and We Stand on the Word of God

We Confess, We Believe and We Stand on the Word of God

2016 Theme2

Romans 10:9-11, 13-15, 17; Matthew 24:33-42; Romans 4:17; Mark 11:23-24

As has been our practice for the past several years, Holiness Tabernacle began this year with a 21-day consecration.  For three consecutive weeks, we denied ourselves meals, sought God in earnest prayer, and spent time reading the Word of the Lord!  We also increased our corporate worship services to four weekday services.  The results were awesome.  We saw God move and refresh the saints and I heard God give me the direction He wants our local congregation to focus on this year.

The. Lord anointed several of our ministerial staff, mothers, deacons and missionaries as they came forth each service with powerful and relevant messages.  As the Word of the Lord was presented, I heard myself agreeing and desiring for the membership to accept what God was saying to us as a congregation.  Then the Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance several other prophetic words that were spoken regarding the ministry at Holiness Tabernacle.  That is when God opened my understanding and gave me our focus for 2016: We Confess, We Believe and We Stand on the Word of God.

Throughout this year you will be presented with encouraging words and scriptures to build your faith in the Word of the Lord.  Let me briefly discuss the three statements in our theme:

1.       We Confess: It is truly amazing how powerful the spoken Word of God is.  "…and God said, Let there be light, and there was light…" (Gen 1:3). Have you ever wondered why God spoke the world into existence?  After all, He is God and He could have just willed it or snapped His fingers.  I believe He wanted to set an example for us.  Why does the judge require you to verbally swear or affirm?  Why does the Alcoholics Anonymous counselor require you to state your name and what you are?  Why does the preacher ask you to speak vows and say "I do" at the wedding?  Because there is power when words come out of our mouths.  In fact, we cannot receive salvation until we confess, or speak, “the Lord Jesus” (Rom 10:9).

2.       We Believe: James tells us that faith without works is dead.  Real faith is followed by actions.  What we believe in, we act on it.  I am convinced, had the disciples believed in Jesus during His crucifixion, they would not have been hiding behind locked doors following His death and burial.  However, after He appeared to them and they could see He was alive, they acted.  They obeyed His instructions and were filled with the power of the Holy Ghost.  Perhaps people have spoken unkind words to you.  Do not believe it.  You can be delivered from what you are in.  Conversely, if God said we are more than conquerors, we must believe it.

3.       We Stand: Our world is in an unstable, unpredictable and ungodly state, and it is only going to get worse.  We as a nation have turned our backs on God and there will be a day of accountability.  Many of our cultural standards that have stood for thousands of years have been altered.  What we were once told was not only illegal and harmful to our bodies, is now considered okay.  However, we can be assured God is faithful and consistent:  He changes not.  Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His words will not pass away.

My friends check back with us often as we declare the Word of God this year.  It will be a blessing to you!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!

Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

Pastor & Founder, Holiness Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ