Whose Report are You Going to Believe?

Whose Report are You Going to Believe?

By Mother Doris Cassidy


Success can depend on what you believe and your state of mind.  One’s mind set can determine whether they reach their goals in life.  You must ask yourself: what do you believe in or whose report are you going to believe? Some may say they believe in Buddha or Allah.  I believe JESUS is my ROCK. 


If you believe in God promises, you walk in victory and not defeat.  Walking in fear or in unbelief can hinder the blessings that God has for you. The Israelites failed to enter the Promise Land flowing with milk and honey because they did not believe the report of God, but instead followed after the report of the ten spies.  In other words, the Israelites believed an evil report. But if GOD said it, we must believe it.  According to Titus 1:2 God cannot lie. Therefore, when He makes a promise it will come to pass. The Bible is full of many promises, but Satan attacks our minds, attempting to steal our power to live victoriously. So, whose report are we going to believe?


At God’s command, Moses sent spies to search the land of Canaan and ten of them brought an evil report to the children of Israel, focusing only on the strength of the inhabitants. The Bible records in Number 13:27-28 the report of the ten spies: we went into the land which you sent us and it does flow with milk and honey. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. The men believed that they were like grasshoppers compared to the giants who lived in Canaan.  However, two of spies, Caleb and Joshua, believed the report of God and stated, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it” (Number 13:30).


The Israelites believed the evil report of the ten spies because they feared the giants. Fear can be defined in an acronym as: False Evidence Appearing Real.  The Israelites failed to believe in God and walk in victory to take possession of the land. Because of their unbelief, they wandered in the desert for forty years. The entire generation, except for Caleb and Joshua, died in their unbelief. Are we going to believe the evil report and continue wandering around in bondage instead of walking in victory?   Instead, I challenge the believer to march in victory and possess what God has promised you!


When the storm clouds are raging in your life, believe in His promises. During my personal trials and tribulations, I have learned to  go to the ROCK that is Jesus.  Jesus will not only give my soul rest, He will give me unspeakable joy! As Christians, we must continue to keep the faith. The Bible clearly states in Psalms 30:5 that, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Your morning might come next week or maybe next month.  Even in troubling times, we must continue to believe in God.  In the midst of a raging storm, you must see light at the end of the tunnel and still trust the ROCK.


I believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God. I believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I believe in the sanctifying power of Holy Spirit. This is part of the Statement of Faith, quoted in my church every Sunday, but what happens when you’re your faith is tested?  Do you still believe in the sanctifying power of God and know He is a keeper?  We cannot let giants stop us from achieving our goals. We must believe in the Word of God and His report. In midst of the storm do not let your dreams fade away but remain positive. Remember Mark 9:23, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Do not be like the Israelites, seeing giants instead of seeing God’s almighty hand working out your trials and tribulations.


Again I ask, Whose report are you going to believe? I will continue to believe the report of the Lord!