To The Least of These: A Tale of Two Brothers

To The Least of These: A Tale of Two Brothers

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” ~Prov. 19:17

There were once two brothers. One made fun of the poor and never came to their aid. But the other brother was kind and generous to those in need.  Write a story about these two brothers and tell how each one got his just reward in the end.


Bob and Tony were brothers. Tony was the big brother, and Bob was the little brother. Tony was nice to everyone, and helped out the poor. He would have a food and toy drive, and he would give clothes to the poor. Bob was mean to his brother and to everyone else. He never gave food, clothes, or toys to anyone, and he made fun of the poor people he saw in the alleyway when he walked in the street.

One day, Bob and Tony and were walking together the grocery store to get some milk for their favorite cereal. Tony liked Honey Nut Cheerios, and Bob liked Cinnamon Toast Crunch. As they walked, they saw a stray dog. The dog was big and black with white paws, floppy ears, and a stubby tail. The dog was walking across the street, when suddenly yellow minivan came speeding down the street!

The dog did not see the van until it was too late. He froze, and all Bob and Tony could hear was a loud smack, and a terrible “YIP!” from the poor dog. When the yellow van passed, all the two brothers could see was the injured dog laying in a pile of dust and blood.

Tony did not waste time. He ran right over to the dog to help. But all Bob could think about was his milk. He kept walking to the store. He bought two gallons of milk, and walked home by himself.

Tony took the dog to the pet hospital, and thankfully the dog was okay. He was hurt, but he would live. The vet told Tony that when the dog was all better, he could keep the dog!

When Tony and Bob’s mother found out what happened, she was very upset with Bob, and very proud of Tony. As punishment, Bob to use his allowance to buy everything for the dog for a whole year!

We should always help out others, no matter what happens. Even if they are bad, good, or innocent, we should always help others!


By: Alex and Ellie Miller