The Test of Our Faith


The Test of Our Faith




Recently, we studied a Prayer & Bible Band topic that discussed our faith.  This lesson touched my heart because our faith can sometimes be compared to an emotional rollercoaster. We go through life with numerous trials and tribulations that test our faith in GOD.  If we allow these trails to overtake us, the enemy wins – thus the rollercoaster effect of being high and low.  But as we dedicate ourselves to GOD each day our faith increases.  However, this does not mean the enemy will not constantly cast doubt and fear. 




As humans, we go through life always trying to control the outcome of every situation.  We want to ensure there are no surprises; how we perceived the outcome is exactly how we want it to turn out.  Children are taught to get a good education so they can have a successful life.  People pay consultants to learn how to save money so they do not have to work in their later years.  Laws and rules are formulated to give instruction on what punishment is enforced if laws are broken. 




Going through trails and tribulations, we can become fearful and impatient because we have no control over the situation’s outcome as we sometimes think we do with our everyday life.  The enemy can begin to talk to us and we may try to handle the situation ourselves without seeking GOD’s direction.  I was working an occupation, which overtime had become increasingly dangerous.  After praying and seeking GOD I resigned from a position I held for two years.  Not working will challenge your faith as bills arise and you do not know exactly when a new job will present itself.  But I continued to trust GOD and HE blessed me with another position.  Unfortunately, within the last week an individual was killed performing the same job I held at the exact same location.  If I would have not trusted in HIM and not been constantly in prayer that situation could have involved me.    




I am reminded of the Israelites who were brought out of bondage in the land of Egypt.  Their faith was tested, and because they could not control the situation, they wanted to go back to Egypt as slaves.  They were firsthand witnesses to the power of GOD, watching HIM bring plagues on Pharaoh and Egypt and defeating their enemies as they journeyed to the Promise Land.  Even after these miraculous events they allowed the enemy to cast fear into their hearts and minds.  The Bible says the people rose up against Moses, fearing the unknown.  GOD tested their faith and wanted them to believe in HIM as they walked through the wilderness. “And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy GOD led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no” (Deuteronomy 8:2 KJV).  GOD wants to know that our heart is true to HIM and we have complete belief in His Word. 




GOD wants our faith to stem from our hearts and be seen in every aspect of our lives.  Through faith we learn to praise HIM not only when things are going right but also when we are in those emotional rollercoasters as we discussed earlier.  Hebrews 11:6 (KJV) states “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to GOD must believe that HE is, and that HE is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”  Even in my situation, my trust in the LORD saved me from dangers seen and unseen.  Because there is nothing impossible for HIM, we must continue to remind ourselves of HIS divine power as situations arise that we cannot control.  In closing I leave you with Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV): “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths.”    




GOD Bless,


Brother Randolph