Every Day Counts

Every Day Counts

By Minister André Powell


What we did yesterday counts! What we do today counts! What we do tomorrow when you wake up, counts! To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Everything that we choose to do has a time. Our many successes and failures have a time. God made us for an awesome purpose and every day we have a chance to live in that purpose or not. We have the choice to live holy as God is holy or remain separated from what He has called us to do.

I know we might say, what do you mean we have a choice to live up to God’s standard for our lives or not? Every day we're alive is another opportunity to change the world for the better. How can we change the world for better? We can change the world by living as God has intended for us to live – in victory. He has already overcome the world, and defeated sin. Let’s live beyond our faults and our mistakes and live as conquerors NOT VICTIMS.

The world and the people of the world may hate us, stab us in the back, dog us, and demean us, but hold on to God no matter what. Love your enemies to no end and share Christ in every way you can. It will make the difference. Every day we stand for Christ, not wavering, is another opportunity for souls to be saved. Every time we stand up in the calling and purpose for our lifves we make the day count. As the day counts for us, it counts for the souls around us as well.

No one can afford sit by and watch time pass. Let’s get out and make every day count. One last thought, and I will leave you alone. Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Understand that in making every day count for the Kingdom, the impact will outlive some of us as well as generations to come before Jesus comes back. While our window of opportunity is getting smaller, there are others we can affect before it closes.

Let me challenge you TODAY! Let's tell someone that we love them. Tell someone they are important. Strike up a conversation with a random person. Pray for someone. And if you do at least one of these for real, you will find a way to tell them about Christ. Let's Make Everyday Count!