The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Brother C. Randolph


As a young child I can remember the saints constantly saying prayer changes things.  I thought I knew exactly what that meant.  To me, I understood it as if you prayed, GOD would automatically do exactly what you asked for.  I also thought it would happen very quickly.  But soon I realized this was not exactly the case and there were key elements that must be in place. 


The first element I learned was that the only prayer a sinner could reach to GOD is the prayer of salvation.  GOD can choose to listen to any prayer HE wants, but those who obey HIS words and keep HIS commandments, HE acknowledges.  The Bible tells us in Proverbs 15:29, “The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous” (KJV).  I had an individual who worked for me who talked behind my back with disparaging and racial terms.  But the individual would always tell me how they appreciated me and valued my leadership.  It was difficult to listen to this individual since I knew they were not truthful and willing to obey leadership.  GOD wants us to be committed to HIM in all of our ways.  We cannot live in sin and expect GOD to grant our request and bless us.  After JESUS healed the blind man, He explained to the Pharisees, “Now we know that GOD heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of GOD, and doeth HIS will, him HE heareth” (John 9:31 KJV).


The second element that I now understands is that we must follow GOD’s plan.  There are times in our lives where we must face trials and tribulations.  Things happen in our lives that show GOD’s divine power where HE can receive all the glory and honor.  In the previous paragraph, I briefly discussed the blind man JESUS healed.  When JESUS and the disciples saw the blind man the disciples were confused about his affliction.  Since he was born blind they asked JESUS who sinned that he is punished with blindness.  The disciples wondered if it was the man directly or a family member, like his parents.  JESUS explained that neither his parents nor the man had sinned, but this affliction was an opportunity for the man to testify about GOD’s healing power.  GOD knows what is best for us.  There might be something we want but may not be in HIS plan.  In addition, GOD can give us a task that we may have not requested, but we must obey and submit ourselves to HIS plan.  “Though HE slay me, yet will I trust HIM” (John 13:15 KJV).


The last element that I learned was that we must continue to trust and have faith in GOD.  Initially, I thought as soon as we prayed the prayer would be answered.  Almost as if it were a magic act.  Someone says hocus pocus and a rabbit comes out of a hat.  We must continue to stand on HIS word and on HIS promises.  Remember it might not be in HIS plan for us to have something tomorrow or even at all.  Recently, I was in prayer for some things in my life that went on for over two years.  At times the way seemed to get so dark, I was stressed, agitated, and thought the situation would never be resolved.  But I remembered the word tells us without faith it is impossible to please HIM and GOD rewards those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6).  As I just mentioned we must stand on the word of the LORD and put all our trust in him.  After I repented for not completely trusting in HIM and recommitted my faith in HIS promises, GOD answered my prayer.


The blind man was not positive who JESUS was but he believed GOD sent the man who healed him.  He thanked and praised GOD because he knew his healing was of GOD.  The blind man’s own parents did not want to totally get involved for fear of being cast out of the synagogue, but the man kept on praising and thanking GOD.  The men on the synagogue eventually kicked him out, but JESUS came and explained who HE was to the man.  The man communed with JESUS and after realizing who HE was the man worshiped JESUS.  I am reminded of Psalms 27 that says “When my father and mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.” 


This month I encourage you to not stop praying.  First, ensure your life is right with GOD and if it is not, now is the acceptable time to receive CHRIST into your life.  Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and you need to know if the LORD came back right now, would you be ready?  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and believe HE knows what is best for you.  Finally, believe in the LORD our GOD.  One of our own missionaries just had a message teaching us, you cannot go over it, you cannot go under it, you cannot go around it, you have to go through it.