You Ought to Know the Truth


You Ought to Know the Truth


And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32


The other week my wife celebrated a birthday and we decided to get away for a couple of days and drove to Charlottesville, Virginia.  While visiting there we decided to take a tour of Monticello, the home of our third president of the United States – Thomas Jefferson.  He has always been one of my most influential persons.


I knew of his résumé: former President, former Vice President, Secretary of State, Ambassador to France, Governor of Virginia, founder of the University of Virginia, originator of the Library of Congress, and the author of the Declaration of Independence.  However, after the tour I learned a few things about this founding father that has caused me to reconsider his greatness.


Our guide informed us that President Jefferson had as many as 600 slaves.  And although his home was built on a mountain that has an awesome view of the surrounding Albemarle County, he could not enjoy it because he had a wall constructed to keep slaves from escaping.  Furthermore, after the death of his wife, Mr. Jefferson had several children with a slave named Sally Hemings (who was also the half-sister of his wife).  Sadly enough, Jefferson kept Ms. Hemings and their children in slavery while he lived.  He promised them he would free them upon his death, but he did not.  We were also informed that many of Jefferson’s friends questioned how such a renaissance man and progressive thinker could practice the inhumane system of slavery.


After our tour the words of our Declaration of Independence rang somewhat hollow; “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…” It is obvious that President Jefferson had some flaws and perhaps was in denial of the true character of God.  Or perhaps President Jefferson did not understand the whole truth about God.


The truth is God doesn’t want anyone enslaved – not to other people, not to sin and not to any obstacle that hinders us from reaching our potential.  The truth is Jesus died for all and He wants everyone to receive salvation and eternal life.  The truth is God made us in His image and we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.  The truth is God loves everyone and He wants us to love one another.


My friends let’s learn from President Jefferson's mistakes.  Let’s not live in denial any longer.  Let’s seek God for the truth and walk there in.  Open you Bible and read it. Open your heart and accept Him. Open your mind and believe Him.  Let’s find the truth and walk in freedom!


I bless you in the name of the Lord.


Pastor Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

Holiness Tabernacle COGIC, Pastor & Founder