It’s Great Being Five!

It’s Great Being Five!

An Interview with Plum Marie Paxton


This month our Youth Department interviewed one of our rising stars.  Youth leader, Grandpa Pruitte (GPP) sat down with Ms. Plum Marie Paxton (PMP) and discovered it’s great being five.  After reading her responses, we think you’ll agree.


GPP:  What is your name?

PMP:  Plum Marie Paxton.


GPP:  How old are you?

PMP:  Five.


GPP:  What do you like about being five?

PMP:  I feel older and more responsible.


GPP:  What are some things you can do at five that you could not do when you were four?

PMP:  I can read, whistle, watch my little sister and lead the line at school.


GPP:  Are you going to do anything special this summer?

PMP:  Yes, I’m going to Miami with my family.  I’m going to play in the water, eat at restaurants and have fun.


GPP:  What church do you attend?

PMP:  Holiness Tabernacle?


GPP:  What do you like about church?

PMP:  Going to Sunday School, learning about God and His nations.


GPP:  Do you do anything special at church?

PMP:  I sing and learn Bible stories, like Samson when he broke down the big building.


GPP:  Do you know who Jesus is?

PMP:  He is Mary’s son and He prayed for people.  He heals people and He died on the cross.


GPP:  What do you like about Jesus?

PMP:  He loves me and He died for me.

One Comment

  1. Melodye Crawford

    AHHHHH!!! This is too Cute!!! Great Job Plum!!! You too Pastor for the questions!!!

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