

By Minister André Powell


Have you ever just had a great view of the most epic scene ever, but you were just too far away from it? You zoomed as much as you could, but the image became too blurry. You refocused the lenses so that the image could be the most clear and epic photo ever. Is that sometimes how life is for us?

We have all been given a dream for our lives. God has made us all with a purpose, greater than what we have presently achieved. Be we get distracted from what we were supposed to be doing. Many will make excuses. Others will blame people or things. Some will procrastinate until it is too late. I understand that life happens and we get busy with other things. Some of us do not see the importance of our dreams from God. Today, I want you to refocus. I recently found myself in the same situation. Let me explain.

The last 18+ months have not be the best for me, especially at work. I hoped things would change and get better. I felt like God had abandon me. But I still prayed and read my word. Sadly, things did not change. I went to First Lady Day service after being sick the prior morning. Evangelist Lyles called all of those that were looking for jobs, promotions, and other things related to careers. When asked about my occupation, I told her what I wanted to do full time, rather than what I actually did for work. She told me to fast and let God reveal what He would do for me. Of course, I am not one to disobey the spirit of God. The end of the fast arrived, and I expected God to speak directly to me as He had done in the past. He did not speak to me as I wanted Him to. I got discouraged quickly because I did not think God saw my sacrifice and my desire to serve.

The funny thing is that during that week, I ran into a radio station owner who asked me to consider putting together a radio show. Later on, I was contacted about speaking for a youth group in 2018, approached about leading sessions at the Youth Congress 2017, and spoke with the evangelism president about teaching a session during the State AIM Convention. At the same time, I was able to completely build a new website from beginning to end. I was so focused on things working out in a particular way that I lost true focus of what God was already doing for me.

We have to be careful that we do not lose so bad that we actually miss what God is doing through us and for us. Refocus your perspective of what may be going on in your life and see God working for you. The Lord has so much in store for us, but our focus is caught on a blurry or cloudy vision of what we are supposed to be doing. Talk to God and ask Him to help you refocus on what He wants you to see. You can allow the negative to take over your thoughts and be totally disappointed by the outcome or be positive and let God refocus you. Negativity is like a poison. It will creep into everything you find joy and contentment in and contaminant even those things. Don’t allow negativity to win and don’t let your expectations or “your” way of things getting done limit what you allow God to do for you and through you. His ways are higher than our ways. God also sees the bigger picture. Let’s get refocused and see what we can accomplish now!