I Had an Awesome Summer!

I Had an Awesome Summer!

By Melani Diop


Summer… the break kids have from school – and honestly, the best break from school. My summer started off good. The last bell rang and I filled with joy. That last bell was the bell for dismissal and I knew there was no going back to school for some months. Most of the kids at my school was crying, I wasn't crying though. It was my break from school – more time to have fun, go to church more, and spend more time with my family. I was gonna miss my friends, but I knew I was gonna see them again. I hopped on my bus and waited for my stop. My stop came and my bus driver was so kind and brought candy for us. We each got to take a handful. I walked the rest of the way home smiling. I was going home with a full case of slime, candy, and no homework!


My first month of summer was full of boredom. Nothing to do, just sit around all day, watch T.V., play on my device and eat. I went to church on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The beginning of Tuesday and Thursday was boring, but later on during the evening when we went to church, it was fun. During July that's when the fun started to happen. We went to the pool about eight times, went to a cookout and went to Vacation Bible School. It was awesome!


During August I went to my best friend’s, aka Alanna’s, birthday weekend, Friday-Sunday. On Friday, Alanna’s mom came to pick me up. My other friend Nevaeh was there too. When we arrived at Alanna’s house we unpacked our bags, then we ate tons of candy. After that we played hide and seek in the dark – it always scares me. After that we watched movies on Netflix. On Saturday we went to the water park. It was amazing, but I almost drowned multiple times – I’m lucky I’m alive. On Sunday, Alanna’s actual birthday, we went to the mall, bought some things and went to a crab place. Alanna’s dad went to go buy the crabs and then we had a “feast”.


All the fun had to end and I had to go back home. After a couple of days I realized school was about three weeks away. I wasn’t ready to go back to school yet, but I had to go back and get an education. My grandparents went school shopping and it was kinda fun.


This school year, I want 7th grade to test me and give me harder things. I think 7th grade isn't really special to be honest. 7th grade is like the middle child. 6th grade is when elementary schoolers go to a new school… middle school. For 8th graders, it’s their last year in middle school, then off to high school. 7th grade… oh, 7th grade is nothing really new, but you do get harder SOL’s I think. They really test you to see if you’re ready for 8th grade and high school. So when I get into 7th grade there’s no more playing around. It’s time to get serious. I will do my best on all my exams, tests, quizzes, etc. This is the year when I will get all A’s on my report card and please my grandparents.


What I'm really trying to say is my 6th grade school year was a new change for me it was quite an experience. I hope my 7th grade experience will be as good as my 6th and I hope I don't disappoint.