Teach Them – They Don’t Know


Teach Them – They Don’t Know


Proverbs 19:18

Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.


Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


It’s September and this month will bring about change and excitement for many of us.  We begin the month celebrating Labor Day – we honor the hard work of the dedicated individuals who developed this nation.  This month also brings the long, hot and fun summer days to an end.  Soon we’ll feel a definite change in the weather and be reminded – much cooler days are ahead.  September also ushers in for many parents (and maybe some children) the favorite time of year – back to school.

The Lord placed something on my heart several weeks ago and I want to share it with you this month.  We often quote the scriptures in Proverbs about training up our children and we usually use this verse when one of our children have left the church or rebelled against us.  There is another verse that advises us to correct our children while there is hope; if not we’ll assist in ruining their lives.  You are probably wondering my message in this.  Children need to be taught and trained – and it’s up us parents to teach and train them.

I have often said that I am the product of good parenting.  My mother taught me to pray. She taught me how to be a gentleman and respect women.  My father put manhood in me.  He wouldn’t allow me to lay around the house on weekends and do nothing.  He taught me the art of working with my hands.  Early in my childhood I was given chores, like taking out trash, cleaning my room and sweeping the floor.  Later, I was promoted to cutting the grass, shoveling the snow and raking leaves.  I wasn’t allowed to watch television before completing my homework.  I couldn’t use as an excuse, that the teacher didn’t like me.  When I observe many of today’s youth, however, I am saddened and concerned.

Today I see too many of our young people unprepared to face life as young adults.  They lack the requisite skills to compete for gainful employment in today’s workforce.  As a result – if they work at all – they can only qualify for low-paying, remedial and uninspired positions.  This means they depend on us longer. That’s not to say that their biological clocks are put on hold.  As a result, many start families way before they are ready to adequately provide for them.

Today I am a proud father of four beautifully saved daughters.  I have been blessed with a saved, spirit-filled son-in-law and three lovely grandchildren.  However, this wasn’t an accident.  My wife and I talked at great length how we would raise our children.  We made sacrifices and placed many things we wanted on hold until our children were taken care of.  We brought our children to church with us and taught them about Jesus at a young age.  They never heard us running down the pastor or the people of God.  Our children saw us working in the church – and now they work alongside us at the church.

I want to challenge parents who read this article.  Let’s decide to train our children to love God and be successful in life.  I believe that parents who fail to train their children, have decided to train them to fail.  Too often, we as parents either ignore our children’s needs until it’s too late, or we are so busy trying to buy everything now, only to neglect giving our children what they so desperately need – our love and attention.

Be encouraged, always remember to teach them – they really don’t know.

I bless you in the name of the Lord